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Unexpected token in @ApiResource(normalizationContext={"groups"={"default"}}) #6104

Closed stephanvierkant closed 3 years ago

stephanvierkant commented 3 years ago

Bug Report

Subject Details
Rector version e.g. v0.10.4 (invoke vendor/bin/rector --version)
Installed as composer dependency / prefixed Rector

Using phpstan/phpdoc-parser 0.5.4.

Minimal PHP Code Causing Issue

namespace App\Entity;

use ApiPlatform\Core\Annotation as Api;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Entity\BaseRepository")
 * @Api\ApiResource(
 *     normalizationContext={"groups"={"default"}},
 *     denormalizationContext={"groups"={"write"}},
 *     collectionOperations={"get"},
 *     itemOperations={"get"},
 *     order={"code"},
 *     paginationEnabled=false
 * )
class User extends BaseEntity

I'm getting this error:

[parsing] src/Entity/User/User.php [refactoring] src/Entity/User/User.php [applying] Rector\Renaming\Rector\Name\RenameClassRector [applying] Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Name\FixClassCaseSensitivityNameRector

In TokenIterator.php line 141:

Unexpected token "\"default\"", expected '}' at offset 38

However, this simple example works fine on Any idea what's going wrong? If not, how can I improve this bug report?

TomasVotruba commented 3 years ago


we've done an update on this in Rector 0.10.4. How does it behave in this version?

stephanvierkant commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry, I was already using 0.10.4.

TomasVotruba commented 3 years ago

I see. Could you provided minimal code that is causing this? Should be 1-2 docblock lines in the end.

lyrixx commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have the same issue. But I do not understand your last comment. What are you expecting? Thanks

TomasVotruba commented 3 years ago

Minimal docblock that creates this issues, e.g.

/** @Api(key={"value"}) */

The smaller the better :)

lyrixx commented 3 years ago

If guess it's that:

 * @ApiResource(
 *      collectionOperations={
 *          "get": {
 *              "pagination_items_per_page"=100,
 *          },
 *      },
 * )
class Foobar{}
TomasVotruba commented 3 years ago

That seems working

stephanvierkant commented 3 years ago

composer install
vendor/bin/rector process src/Entity/User.php --clear-cache -vvv

[parsing] src/Entity/User.php [refactoring] src/Entity/User.php [applying] Rector\Renaming\Rector\Name\RenameClassRector [applying] Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Name\FixClassCaseSensitivityNameRector

In TokenIterator.php line 141:

Unexpected token "\"default\"", expected '}' at offset 38

TomasVotruba commented 3 years ago


@stephanvierkant Could you add a simle failing Github Action there with --debug? That way we can see the debug output and quickly find the spot + verify it on the PR fix

antograssiot commented 3 years ago

in case it can help: in a controller with the same type of annotation

 * @ParamConverter("firstArticleQualificationFile", options={"mapping"={"fileId"="id", "id"="firstArticleQualification"}})

using the --debug options, outputs:

[parsing] src/Controller/Quality/FirstArticleQualificationController.php
[refactoring] src/Controller/Quality/FirstArticleQualificationController.php
    [applying] Rector\Renaming\Rector\Name\RenameClassRector
    [applying] Rector\Arguments\Rector\MethodCall\ValueObjectWrapArgRector
    [applying] Rector\Renaming\Rector\ClassConstFetch\RenameClassConstFetchRector
Fatal error: Uncaught PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\ParserException: Unexpected token "\"fileId\"", expected '}' at offset 54 in phar:///srv/vendor/phpstan/phpstan/phpstan.phar/vendor/phpstan/phpdoc-parser/src/Parser/TokenIterator.php:141
Stack trace:
#0 phar:///srv/vendor/phpstan/phpstan/phpstan.phar/vendor/phpstan/phpdoc-parser/src/Parser/TokenIterator.php(59): PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\TokenIterator->throwError(32)
#1 /srv/vendor/rector/rector/packages/BetterPhpDocParser/PhpDocParser/StaticDoctrineAnnotationParser/ArrayParser.php(62): PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\TokenIterator->consumeTokenType(32)
#2 /srv/vendor/rector/rector/packages/BetterPhpDocParser/PhpDocParser/StaticDoctrineAnnotationParser.php(119): Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\PhpDocParser\StaticDoctrineAnnotationParser\ArrayParser->parserArray(Object(Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\ValueObject\Parser\BetterTokenIterator))
#3 /srv/vendor/rector/rector/packages/BetterPhpDocParser/PhpDocParser/StaticDoctrineAnnotationParser.php(75): Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\PhpDocParser\ in phar:///srv/vendor/phpstan/phpstan/phpstan.phar/vendor/phpstan/phpdoc-parser/src/Parser/TokenIterator.php on line 141
stephanvierkant commented 3 years ago
