rectorphp / rector

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some are files not processed #8599

Closed r4cker closed 1 month ago

r4cker commented 1 month ago

Bug Report

Rector 2b811afb584aa7a3c569a2ce23d78edbf126d556

Some files are not processed event there not errors

I tryed to execute the following command

bin/rector process src/Entity/MyEntity.php -vvv --clear-cache

the result is : [OK] Rector is done!

But the file has not changed. I spent and hour figuring out it was file line seperator .

If the separator is not CR it's not working. It must by CRLF


you can change the line seperator in phpstorm


You should have some error message or something.

By the way, I lost one hour on this problem but you saved me many days. Thanks for your work :)

samsonasik commented 1 month ago

I think you should only use between 2 types of line endings:

  1. "\n"
  2. "\r\n"

The "\r" only should never be used, except probably for academic purpose, see php-parser issue: