rectorphp / rector

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documentation for withPHPStanConfigs() #8625

Closed SebSept closed 3 weeks ago

SebSept commented 3 weeks ago


I can't find any documentation for this configuration, withPHPStanConfigs.


What does it do/provides ?

samsonasik commented 3 weeks ago

This is documented on the code

SebSept commented 3 weeks ago

Sure, but what does that mean concretely? That Rector will modify code according to some phpstan rules ? ( Do you have an example ? ) That Rector uses phpstan notations to parse the code ?

samsonasik commented 3 weeks ago

For example, you have phpstan config to activate parent attribute from a Node, you need to enable nodeConnectingVisitorCompatibility, which default is disabled on rector.

so you can enable it by setting it to true:

-        nodeConnectingVisitorCompatibility: false
+        nodeConnectingVisitorCompatibility: true

Then, you should can get:

$parentNode = $node->getAttribute('parent');
var_dump($parentNode instanceof \PhpParser\Node);