rectorphp / swiss-knife

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[Question] Finalise only classes that have implements/extends? #10

Closed deoomen closed 5 months ago

deoomen commented 5 months ago


Is there an option to only finalise classes that implement an interface or extend another class?

Like in FinalizeClassesWithoutChildrenRector.

-class FirstClass extends SecondClass
+final class FirstClass extends SecondClass

 class SecondClass

class ThirdClass

I don't want to change classes without extends/implements (ThirdClass).

TomasVotruba commented 5 months ago


not at the moment. It could be an option --require-interface. Could you add it to the command to handle it?

deoomen commented 5 months ago

I tried:

vendor/bin/swiss-knife finalize-classes src --require-interface


The "--require-interface" option does not exist.
TomasVotruba commented 5 months ago

We don't have that option.

Would you add it via PR?

deoomen commented 5 months ago

Oh, I misunderstood you, sorry.

I could try, but at the moment I have very little time after hours, so I don't know when it could be done.

Could you briefly describe what should be changed?

TomasVotruba commented 5 months ago

The option must be added in the configure() method, then processed in execute() method:

Feel free to send PR when your free :+1: Thank you

Closing as idea moved to PR phase