red-gate / XmlDoc2CmdletDoc

Create cmdlet XML help files from XML doc comments
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Example Section not Rendering in Terminal #62

Closed StefanGreve closed 2 years ago

StefanGreve commented 2 years ago

I am trying to use this nuget in a project but for some reason only the example section of the help message does not appear in the terminal. My project uses version 0.3.0 of XmlDoc2CmdletDoc, by the way. I think this might actually be a bug with this library. Seeing that there have not been any updates as of recently, I am not sure if this project is still in maintenance mode but I figured it might be worth mentioning this issue.

/// <summary>
///    <para type="description"> lorem ipsum </para>
/// </summary>
/// <example>
///     <para> more text </para>
///     <code> Write-Host "Hello, World!" </code>
/// </example>
[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Write, "Hello")]
public class WriteHello : PSCmdlet { ... }