red-hat-storage / odf-console

UI Plugin for ODF Operator.
Apache License 2.0
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[perf-improv] Create separate provider for the context and pass its descendants as a "children" #672

Open SanjalKatiyar opened 1 year ago

SanjalKatiyar commented 1 year ago

Currently used:

Refer: All consumers that are descendants of a Provider will re-render whenever the Provider’s value prop changes. Whenever Provider’s value prop changes all the child FCs will get re-rendered (irrespective of whether a child is a consumer of the context or not). This will cause unnecessary re-renders for those FCs which are not consuming any state from the context. To avoid that use composition: create a separate FC which will provide the context and pass the consumer FCs as its "children". example:

SanjalKatiyar commented 1 year ago

cc @bipuladh @GowthamShanmugam (just FYI)

black-dragon74 commented 1 year ago

@SanjalKatiyar can I take this one?

SanjalKatiyar commented 1 year ago

@SanjalKatiyar can I take this one?

/assign @debjyoti-pandit Hi, this is already assigned (forgot to update the issue) and WIP.