red-owl-games / Sleipnir

A Graph Framework for Unity
43 stars 4 forks source link

"Supports Odin" or "Odin required"? #1

Open andybak opened 3 years ago

andybak commented 3 years ago

The readme states the former. Just wanted to check it's not actually the latter?

(I want to make something that I can release open source without a hard dependency to a paid asset)

rocktavious commented 3 years ago

@andybak The idea is that it is "Supports Odin" and not a dependency. I use the compile define #if ODIN_INSPECTOR in a handful of places to enable Odin to better the overall experience. That being said this framework is very alpha and I have not implemented some of the additional niceties that Odin is currently giving.

For example Odin draws fields of a Node directly on the NodeView in the Graph Window. The fallback to Unity UIElements is not yet coded. IE

Also in the vein of Alpha there are a handful of features I intend to implement in the coming weeks. For example right now i'm working on making Nested Graphs with Graph Execution Flow work (which is currently requiring a pretty big refactor). Some of the other outstanding features are:

I would love any feedback or ideas you have / might need - I would also love to know about your tool that will be built ontop of this. I have a bunch of graph based tool ideas (which lead me to build this) but maybe you have an usecase that I have not thought of in my designs and I'd love to make changes to support it. We (the Unity community) need a replacement for xNode that is built on the latest and greatest Unity features - and i'm not holding my breath for Unity to make Bolt/VS2 to get there first.
