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Windows FPS cap and what to do about it #26

Open hiiamboris opened 6 years ago

hiiamboris commented 6 years ago

I've been poking around Windows animation lag and wanna share the results. This only concerns animation achieved via the use of rate facet, and can likely be avoided via do-events/no-wait running in a custom loop.

TLDR: Currently the FPS is capped at 65 and can only equal the integer fractions of 65: 65, 32, 21, 16, 13, 10 and lower. Moreover the frame lag is somewhat jumpy. This has to improve ☺

Here's a typical correspondence plot between the desired rate facet of a face and the FPS it produces:

From top to bottom is the measured FPS (0 to 100), from left to right is the value of rate facet (1 to 100). Gray is the desired line, red is what actually happens. Note also the strange artifact happening at rate ~60, resulting in ~37-38 FPS.

As you can see there are steps on the plot. The steps values are fractions of 65, which indicates that on-time event happens on the margins of 1000 / 65 = 15.4ms.

Currently Red implements on-time via SetTimer winapi call that pushes the WM_TIMER messages into the thread's window message queue.. SetTimer is theoretically capped at 100 FPS:

If uElapse is less than USER_TIMER_MINIMUM (0x0000000A), the timeout is set to USER_TIMER_MINIMUM

0xA = 10 ms = 100 fps. On practice however, as shown before, even this is never reached.

Moreover, here's some histograms of inter-frame time for a few rate values:

refdt denotes a reference time between frames, which should ideally be obtained for a given rate. At rate 100 it is scattered between 10ms and 20ms.

At rate 66 - same scattering.

At rate 60 - where the artifact occurs - sometimes it happens to be quick enough to trigger the event in time, but more often skips it!

At rate 55 it already gets to 33 fps.

33 fps as requested.

At lower rates the spread becomes thinner.


I'll just draft a few ideas. Someone with better knowledge of Red internals, and multimedia programming expertise might provide better insights and be able to implement this.


I would myself give up the timers and go for a simpler algorithm:

With this approach both 1000 FPS and 100% CPU core load should be achievable, while it's also very simple. Also it's system-independent.

multimedia timers

If timers are the way to go, there are better timers than SetTimer. timeSetEvent allows 1ms resolution timers to be set. When given a TIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_PULSE value it will pulse an event object.

MsgWaitForMultipleObjects may be used to wait for both: timer event and WM* events coming to the window, thus preserving the synchronous behavior of event operations. If a callback function was used instead of the system event, I expect on-time would be able to fire in the midst of other Red code being executed, undesirably.

Same 1000 FPS and 100% CPU core load should be achievable.


The info was gathered on W7 x64. Users of other versions might provide more info by running these tests:

measure the rate/fps curve

Change pts to choose how many points on the plot you want. Each takes 1 sec to measure.

Red []

pts: 50
stop: 0:0:1
print "measuring fps:"
data: collect [
    repeat i pts [
        rate: i * 100 / pts
        t0: now/time/precise
        fps: 0  view compose [base rate (rate) on-time [fps: fps + 1  if stop <= dt: now/time/precise - t0 [unview]]]
        print [rate "->" keep fps / stop/second]

print "^/fractions of 65:"
repeat i 6 [probe 65 / i]

size: 400x200
view compose/deep [
    box (size) draw [
        pen white
        text 1x1 "0"
        text (size * 0x1 - 0x20) "100"
        line-width 2 pen red (collect [
            repeat i pts - 1 [
                keep reduce ['line
                    as-pair  i * size/x / pts  data/:i * size/y / 100
                    as-pair  i + 1 * size/x / pts  data/(i + 1) * size/y / 100
        pen gray line 0x0 (size)

measure the time between frames

period controls how long to run the test rate - obvious cell - how many columns the histogram should be divided upon

Red []

period: 0:1:0
rate: 55
cells: 40
refdt: 1.0 / rate
now': does [now/precise/time]

dts: []
view compose [base rate (rate) on-created [t0: t1: now'] on-time [
    append dts (t2: now') - t1  t1: t2  if period <= (t2 - t0) [unview]
probe dts

histo: append/dup [] 0 cells
maxdt: 0.0  mindt: 100.0
foreach dt dts [
    maxdt: max dt/second maxdt
    mindt: min dt/second mindt
mindt: 0.0  maxdt: refdt * 4
span: maxdt - mindt
foreach dt dts [
    i: 1 + to-integer dt/second - mindt / span * cells
    i: min i length? histo
    histo/:i: histo/:i + 1
probe histo
peak: last sort copy histo

size: 1000x300
cell: as-pair size/x / cells size/y
boxes: collect [
    foreach n histo [
        keep reduce ['box as-pair 1 n * cell/y / peak * -1 + cell/y cell 'translate cell * 1x0]

    keep compose [reset-matrix pen green line-width 2 line (as-pair x: refdt - mindt / span * size/x 0) (as-pair x cell/y)]
    keep compose [text (as-pair x 0) (form reduce ["refdt =" form/part refdt 7 "sec"])]
    keep compose [pen red text 0x0 (form reduce ["rate =" rate "^/period =" period "^/peak counts =" peak])]

    i: 1
    keep [reset-matrix pen orange line-width 1 anti-alias on]
    ofs: as-pair 0 (cell/x - second (size-text/with system/view/screens/1 "0")) / 2
    foreach n histo [
        keep compose/deep [rotate -90 (cell / 2x1) [text (cell / 2x1 + ofs) (form/part i * span / cells 6)]]
        keep reduce ['translate cell * 1x0]
        i: i + 1

view compose/deep [
    box (size) draw [
        pen off fill-pen teal (boxes)
toomasv commented 6 years ago

Here are comparable stats from my W10:

nedzadarek commented 6 years ago

It's late so I took only 1st test twice with waiting 1 and 4 seconds: I'm on win 8.1 x64 In my opinion FPS is capped at 2^N but starting at 2^3(8).
FPS <= 8 are precise. 8FPS to more or less 14FPS have lost 1FPS.
2^4 (16) starts the pattern and it last to ~20FPS => From 22 to 30 FPS - it's irregular pattern. We need to inspect it more. 2^5 (32) & 2^6(64) are another patterns - FPS capped at 32 and 64 respectively. With those 2 checkpoints, you can see that (2^N)-4 to (2^N)-2 for N = 5 & 6 have sudden jump. I guess that sudden jump exist for 2^4(16) and 12 & 14 but I may overanalize it.
In my opinion the test should be more precise, especially for N<5. I mean count every FPS not every 2nd. ps. for curiosity I tried 140 and it's still capped at 64.

hiiamboris commented 6 years ago

Thanks, @nedzadarek ! Your data just follows that gathered by me and @toomasv. Never any progress at MS :)

qtxie commented 5 years ago

Note also the strange artifact happening at rate ~60, resulting in ~37-38 FPS

IIRC, there is an issue about it. Yes. that's really strange as I cannot find any information online. No C/C++ (or other languages) programmers complain about it. So I suspect the problem is in our side, maybe we use the Timer API incorrectly?

hiiamboris commented 5 years ago

@qtxie the problem is WM_TIMER, as in reality it occurs only once every 15.4ms, as I've shown above.

Oldes commented 3 years ago

This may be useful:

hiiamboris commented 2 years ago

Data from another device (laptop, W10 x64).

desired rate
/ mode
55 fps
better battery
max performance

FPS curve:

Now, on the same machine inside WSL2 running Ubuntu 20:

FPS curve:


(also tried in both battery modes - no difference)

So, data suggests it's not a common hardware but an OS issue. Also, I didn't register any elevation in CPU usage from Ubuntu during tests, so claims about heavier battery drain may turn out to be baseless.

dockimbel commented 2 years ago

@qtxie the problem is WM_TIMER, as in reality it occurs only once every 15.4ms, as I've shown above.

Correct, we used WM_TIMER message as a temporary implementation, that is not the way to achieve regular higher-precision time events.

hiiamboris commented 1 year ago

Just a related note. We're not using GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime in now/precise, because it's limited to W8+. But it boasts <1us precision, which would be nice to have. To support it we'll need to detect at runtime if it is supported by the OS and then load it conditionally and plug into now. Won't affect the FPS, but at least profiling precision.

dockimbel commented 1 year ago

We're not using GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime in now/precise, because it's limited to W8+.

We've dropped support for Win7, so we can move to that API.

EDIT: we already use that API for now/precise (it's actually your own code @hiiamboris), but I wonder where that 100ns accuracy went?

>> now/time/precise
== 23:43:45.8046
>> now/time/precise
== 23:43:52.9451
>> now/time/precise
== 23:43:53.6194
hiiamboris commented 1 year ago

You misread GetSystemTimeAsFileTime as GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime

As for W7, one thing is letting some things break, another - not being able to run the exe because some import is missing. I vote against that.

qtxie commented 1 year ago

You misread GetSystemTimeAsFileTime as GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime

As for W7, one thing is letting some things break, another - not being able to run the exe because some import is missing. I vote against that.

We can use GetProcAddress to load those functions.

dockimbel commented 1 year ago

You are welcome to send a PR modifying your own code to use GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime().