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Make TO BITSET! <integer!> work #87

Open rebolek opened 3 years ago

rebolek commented 3 years ago

Currently if you want to make bitset! from integer! value, you first need to convert it to binary! and optionaly skip unneded zeroes. It would be nice to avoid this unnecessary step by converting integer! to bitset! firectly, preferrably using the shortest bitset possible - 1 byte for values < 256, 2 bytes for values < 65'536, etc.


>> to bitset! 123
== make bitset! #{7B}
loziniak commented 3 years ago

Another intuition could be, that to bitset! 123 is an empty bitset with 123rd bit set, like in this example:

>> a: make bitset! 123
== make bitset! #{00000000000000000000000000000000}
>> a/123: 1
== 1
>> a
== make bitset! #{00000000000000000000000000000010}
rebolek commented 3 years ago

As you can already set any bit in bitset, I don'ŧ see how useful this would be. But the conversion of an integer to bitset allows you access individual bits in that integer (even if in reverse order) which is what I am aiming for. Another solution to my problem would be allowing index on integers:

>> x: 3
== 3
>> x/0
== 1
>> x/1
== 1
>> x/2
== 0
dumblob commented 3 years ago

Another solution to my problem would be allowing index on integers:

That wouldn't account for other bases than 2 (e.g. octal, hex, etc.).

rebolek commented 3 years ago

That wouldn't account for other bases than 2 (e.g. octal, hex, etc.).

How would such support look? You can work with hex base directly in binary, octal base is not supported in Red.

dumblob commented 3 years ago

How would such support look?

I pointed it out as I think the concept is wrong. So to answer the question, such support should look like no support.

I'd strongly prefer what you proposed in the initial proposal (i.e. to bitset! 123).

You can work with hex base directly in binary,

Sure, but that's almost the same as saying, that Red doesn't need BITSET at all and one should convert numbers back and forth manually to arbitrary representation. Besides, it's less efficient and might cause issues in the future with custom types or wider range of built-in types.

octal base is not supported in Red.

Who knows what you'll need tomorrow... (custom types, etc.).

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

What is the driving use case @rebolek? I'm not against it, as it's similar to how make/to work with blocks today. Path access to bits doesn't seem as useful, since you can already do that with bitsets, it raises a 0-based consistency issue, and will be implementation dependent. That is, ints are a fixed size. While we're 32-bt now, 64-bit will come soon, but we may still have n-bit builds possible. At the R/S level you expect to deal with this, but not in Red.

Knowing the use case will help us all think about it.

rebolek commented 3 years ago

Usecase: Accessing indivitual bits in byte. bitset! is fine for this, even if the order is reversed. It's useful on Red level too, especially when dealing with binary protocols. With the IO, we will be dealing with such situations lot more.

Oldes commented 3 years ago

maybe make bitset! 123 could be as it is - preallocator and there could be different to bitset! 123 which would convert the integer to given bitset.

Oldes commented 3 years ago

If I understand it well.. @rebolek is asking for:

(to bitset! #{FF}) = (to bitset! FFh) ; or the future hex-number syntax
rebolek commented 3 years ago

@Oldes yes, that's what I'm looking for. Currently, you can do it, but it's arcane:

>> to bitset! skip to binary! FFh 3
== make bitset! #{FF}
greggirwin commented 3 years ago

Here's the big mismatch: There is no concept of bytes or 16-bit words, in Red. Make bitset! 8/16 is as close as you can get. If we go with the "shortest possible representation" approach from an int, you can't predict the bitset size you'll get because it's value based. So that doesn't help with things like binary protocols or other fixed size structures.

My use case question stands, but let me clarify it. I get accessing bits. What is the use case where you need to convert from an integer?

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

My inclination is to create a bit-oriented dialect, which could wrap Red or R/S code. Some time back I came across a non-Red project for describing binary structs and such. I'll see if I can find it.

9214 commented 3 years ago

Kaitai struct, Erlang bit syntax. Rebol2 allowed mapping struct! onto binary!.

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

These don't speak to bits directly, but structs. @9214 made a start on some next-stage struct work I think, but I don't remember the goal. For binary protocols and formats, a dialect could enforce constraints. e.g. you describe the data in terms of [int-8 uint-16 bits-8 p-str z-str ...] with the ability to name fields (flags: bits-8), and could then access rec/flags/1, rec/flags/msb, which would treat it as bits, but a string field would not (byte vs char issues TBD :^).

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

Struct to binary conversion is the key. One of the great things about certain older langs was the ability to define a fixed size struct/type and treat a file as a record oriented collection.

rebolek commented 3 years ago


There is no concept of bytes or 16-bit words, in Red.

There certainly is a concept of bytes in Red. For example length? binary! doesn't give you a number of binary numbers in binary, but a number of bytes.

What is the use case where you need to convert from an integer?

Most of the methods for getting one byte from binary! result in integer:

>> bin: #{deadcafe}
>> bin/1
== 222
>> take bin
== 222

So I start with binary! that gets converted to integer! and to get individual bits which is easy with bitset!, I need to do an intermediate conversion to binary!.

loziniak commented 3 years ago

Most of the methods for getting one byte from binary! result in integer:

Doesn't it seem more natural to just take a slice of that binary!?

>> bin: #{deadcafe}
>> b: to bitset! copy/part bin next bin
== make bitset! #{DE}
>> b/1
== true
>> b/2
== false
rebolek commented 3 years ago

The most natural thing in my case would be using take. But:

>> bin: #{deadcafe}
>> take/part bin 2
== #{DEAD} ; this returns binary! so can be converted into bitset! directly
>> take bin
== 202 ; however this returns integer! and needs conversion into binary! before converting into bitset!

I can use copy and then remove but take function was added exactly to avoid this unnecessary pattern.

rebolek commented 3 years ago

I just found that take/part bin 1 returns binary!.

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

There certainly is a concept of bytes in Red. For example length? binary! doesn't give you a number of binary numbers in binary, but a number of bytes.

Let me clarify what I meant. There is no byte! or word-16!. Red doesn't understand those values. A dialect for this should nicely hide the details, and make the intent clear.

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

[pick take take/part], are Rebol compatible. We can review those choices, but I think it will just shift things around, and not be definitively better.

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

I'm going to tag @maartenkoopmans and @toomasv on this. Toomas does a lot of parse work and has fresh views and good design instincts on dialects. Maarten will be using some background time to start on protobuf support, which will double as a DiaGrammar example and use case. @rebolek is the real-world-use-case expert (along with others, but he's using it for production work right now). He'll have valuable feedback on a binary dialect from that perspective.

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

We can set up a room on Gitter to start the conversation. Give @toomasv some initial input, then a chance to do some R&D, and see how it works when Maarten and Bolek apply it in their respective use cases. How does that sound?

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

ASN.1, MsgPack, BSON, and Avro are just a few others that can be guinea pigs. Maybe even some EDI stuff...eventually.

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

@9214's work, he can confirm if he sees this, was probably adding struct! to Red, for easier interop with R/S and FFI at the Red level.

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

Since that's a big task, we can start by treating binary! values as blobs that map to a schema and an interface to the data that way.

rebolek commented 3 years ago

While I eagerly await the addition of struct! into Red, it won't help much with my problem, as the smallest unit in a struct is a byte, not a bit.

mbk commented 3 years ago

WHat if we introduce a payload function, handy in itself if we can match on the sub-elements, much like Erlang:

<> = one byte

payload would parse the , well, payload, convert it to an int, and give you a bitset back.

mbk commented 3 years ago

Needs some thinking through, because you'd also want to preserve the payload for matching. Maybe a match should go along with it, and you have something more readable (== more powerful) to implement protocols.It's also more aligned with @greggirwin 's references. Just forget bitsets and make a bit dialect?

mbk commented 3 years ago

The way I always understood bitsets is they are compressed, either using run-length encoding or (rarely) using bitmap indexes. I've always liked the erlang bit notation, why not do something like that hidden behind a dialect. The BIG upside is that a protocol dialect can build directly on top of that, I think.

greggirwin commented 3 years ago

@mbk bitsets are just a number of bytes in memory that expand in order to hold the largest bit, and with a defined minimum size of one byte. They can also be complemented, which helps with large bitsets like unicode ranges where just a few low bits are special.

greggirwin commented 3 years ago created.