red5pro / streaming-html5

Testbed examples for Red5 Pro HTML SDK usage
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NPM installation #49

Closed tillkruss closed 3 years ago

tillkruss commented 7 years ago

Could you guys add the HTML5 WebRTC js SDK to

beetlejesss commented 7 years ago

This is on our roadmap! hey, @bustardcelly :)

tillkruss commented 7 years ago

Any updates on this? It's been 3 months and there is no way of knowing when a new HTML5 SDK is released. A NPM package would make this easier.

puco commented 6 years ago

After 9 months: What is the status on this?

beetlejesss commented 6 years ago

This is still on our long-term roadmap, but has taken a back seat to features and bugfixes. We will be implementing this along with the public release of our HTML5 SDK source code; some time after release 4.0.0.

saradha-kannan commented 5 years ago

hello, any updates on this?

xtrasmal commented 5 years ago

any updates on this? Frontend-land is moving pretty fast and the whole paradigm is focussed on small packages, imported through es6 modules. Using window or globals is like using dial-up modems to connect to the internet.

HoldenMills commented 5 years ago

This is still on the roadmap. First, we have to open source the HTML5 SDK. We plan on doing that once we can find the time. I know it's not a very satisfying answer, but please know that is something that we still plan on doing.

alexsorokoletov commented 4 years ago

Any updates on this? This is active for last 3 years :) Not sure why open-sourcing the SDK is a dependency, you can pack it into NPM without open-sourcing. Also, it would be nice to include Typescript typings (probably a separate feature request)

Kaishiyoku commented 4 years ago

Any news for this?

varadig commented 4 years ago

just for fun... any updates on this?... I don't tink so

PrinceTi commented 3 years ago

Any update on this?

bwoodlt commented 3 years ago

Almost 4 years in....any update on this??

bustardcelly commented 3 years ago

With the release of Red5 Pro 8.0.0, we have published the build of Red5 Pro WebRTC SDK to NPM!

You can install the SDK in your projects via:


npm install --save red5pro-webrtc-sdk


yarn install red5pro-webrtc-sdk

Additionally, you can include the script on your page from the jsdelivr CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Thank you all for your patience and patronage and happy streaming!