redballoonsecurity / ofrak

OFRAK: unpack, modify, and repack binaries.
1.85k stars 126 forks source link

mac os install ??? #348

Closed pullghjunkkk closed 3 months ago

pullghjunkkk commented 1 year ago

chikkachun@chikdeMBP ~ % git clone cd ofrak Cloning into 'ofrak'... remote: Enumerating objects: 5005, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (1728/1728), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (525/525), done. remote: Total 5005 (delta 1429), reused 1398 (delta 1203), pack-reused 3277 Receiving objects: 100% (5005/5005), 13.74 MiB | 7.13 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (3345/3345), done. chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % ofrak list zsh: command not found: ofrak chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % pip install ofrak zsh: command not found: pip chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % git lfs install && git lfs pull git: 'lfs' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

The most similar commands are alias llg log chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % make develop make: No rule to make target `develop'. Stop. chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % ofrak_type zsh: command not found: ofrak_type chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % ofrak deps --missing-only zsh: command not found: ofrak chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % ofrak deps --packages-for brew | xargs brew install -y zsh: command not found: ofrak chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % ls build dist Dockerstub LICENSE Makefile mypy.ini ofrak_patch_maker ofrak_patch_maker.egg-info ofrak_patch_maker_test toolchain.conf.bak $ cp toolchain.conf.bak toolchain.conf frontend ofrak_core LICENSE mkdocs.yml ofrak_io Makefile ofrak-angr.yml ofrak_patch_maker ofrak-binary-ninja.yml ofrak_tutorial ofrak-core-dev.yml ofrak_type disassemblers ofrak-dev.yml pyproject.toml docs ofrak-ghidra.yml examples ofrak-tutorial.yml zsh: command not found: build zsh: command not found: $ chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % cp toolchain.conf.bak toolchain.conf cp: toolchain.conf.bak: No such file or directory chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % sudo make develop cp toolchain.conf /etc/toolchain.conf mv toolchain.conf toolchain.conf.bak pip3 install -e .[test] Obtaining file:///home/ofrak/ofrak/ofrak_patch_maker Requirement already satisfied: immutabledict==2.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages (from ofrak-patch-maker==0.1.0) (2.2.0) ...... Running develop for ofrak-patch-maker Successfully installed ofrak-patch-maker Password: make: No rule to make target `develop'. Stop. cp: toolchain.conf: No such file or directory mv: rename toolchain.conf to toolchain.conf.bak: No such file or directory zsh: no matches found: .[test] zsh: command not found: Obtaining zsh: invalid mode specification zsh: command not found: ...... zsh: command not found: Running zsh: command not found: Successfully chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % git lfs install && git lfs pull.

git: 'lfs' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

The most similar commands are alias llg log chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % git --help usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C ] [-c name=value] [--exec-path[=]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path] [-p | --paginate | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare] [--git-dir=] [--work-tree=] [--namespace=] []

These are common Git commands used in various situations:

start a working area (see also: git help tutorial) clone Clone a repository into a new directory init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one

work on the current change (see also: git help everyday) add Add file contents to the index mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index

examine the history and state (see also: git help revisions) bisect Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug grep Print lines matching a pattern log Show commit logs show Show various types of objects status Show the working tree status

grow, mark and tweak your common history branch List, create, or delete branches checkout Switch branches or restore working tree files commit Record changes to the repository diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc merge Join two or more development histories together rebase Reapply commits on top of another base tip tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG

collaborate (see also: git help workflows) fetch Download objects and refs from another repository pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch push Update remote refs along with associated objects

'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some concept guides. See 'git help ' or 'git help ' to read about a specific subcommand or concept. chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak % git lfs install git: 'lfs' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

The most similar commands are alias llg log chikkachun@chikdeMBP ofrak %

ANogin commented 1 year ago

@pullghjunkkk please follow the instructions in docs/ to install OFRAK. In particular:

For installing from source, #314 would hopefully make things a bit easier.