redbear / IoT_pHAT

WiFi + Bluetooth, designed for the Raspberry Pi Zero
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Use gpio with iot hat on? #17

Open sirvon opened 7 years ago

sirvon commented 7 years ago

Hey, just wonderingredients if it's possible to use the gpio pins with the iot hat connected.

In an image of a pi zero and an iot hat connected, I dont see anyway to connect additions components to gpio....

Thank you.

guigur commented 7 years ago

Hi, I belive you can only use the free gpios. See

sirvon commented 7 years ago

if you look at this image

im trying to plan how to add more components to gpio on top of the pi zero....

how to do that?

pelrun commented 7 years ago

Just connect whatever you want directly. As long as you only use the pins marked in green (or the power pins) then there is no conflict.