redbluegames / unity-text-typer

Text typing effect for Unity uGUI Text components
MIT License
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Add support for TextMeshPro paged overflow mode #34

Open Yare-zz opened 4 years ago

Yare-zz commented 4 years ago

Sometimes the text being typed is larger than the target area. Even when controlling for this in the content, translation/localization passes may have greatly extended text lengths.

It would be ideal for unity-text-typer to support the paged overflow mode in TMP, with something like a "Page Complete" event and a way to resume typing the next page.

edwardrowe commented 4 years ago

Cool idea! I can see this as a valid use-case for sure.

That said, in Sparklite we split NPC dialog out into separate lines, trying to guarantee each fits on a page. This had the downsides that it wasn't optimal for translation (German might not fit, for example), or for the translator workflow (harder to translate 3 entries than one big block of text), and it was also a bit annoying to manage as assets. But the plus side was worth it to us, which was we had control over where in the dialog the pages would break.

If that's something you care about, you might want to consider doing something like that, too.

But yeah, this is still a valid use case I think, more for RPGs or something where there's lots of text.