redcamel / RedGL2

RedGL - Javascript 3D library (webgl)
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Undefined error when trying to view TextureEncodingTest.gltf #709

Closed cx20 closed 2 years ago

cx20 commented 3 years ago

I tried Khronos' new test model TextureEncodingTest.gltf with RedGL. However, I get an Undefined error in the console and can't see it

Test model:

Expected result: image

Current result:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'magFilter' in undefined
    at v (RedGL.min.js:1025)
    at P (RedGL.min.js:1025)
    at RedGL.min.js:1025
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at o (RedGL.min.js:1025)
    at d (RedGL.min.js:1025)
    at RedGL.min.js:1025
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at d (RedGL.min.js:1025)
    at s (RedGL.min.js:1025)
redcamel commented 2 years ago


cx20 commented 2 years ago

I have confirmed that the latest version of RedGL has resolved the undefined error.

It's different from the expected result image, but I think this is another issue.

RedGL 2021.07.19 + TextureEncodingTest.gltf result: image