redcanaryco / invoke-atomicredteam

Invoke-AtomicRedTeam is a PowerShell module to execute tests as defined in the [atomics folder]( of Red Canary's Atomic Red Team project.
MIT License
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add atomic runner hooks #158

Closed clr2of8 closed 9 months ago

clr2of8 commented 9 months ago

Users can define 4 different functions that will be called (if they exist) before/after atomic execution or before/after atomic test cleanup commands (only applies when calling Invoke-AtomicRunner):

  1. Invoke-AtomicRunnerPreAtomicHook
  2. Invoke-AtomicRunnerPostAtomicHook
  3. Invoke-AtomicRunnerPreAtomicCleanupHook
  4. Invoke-AtomicRunnerPostAtomicCleanupHook