redcolorbicycle / pe

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Standards for Unique internship #3

Open redcolorbicycle opened 2 months ago

redcolorbicycle commented 2 months ago

Screenshot (153).png

Screenshot (154).png

Currently, an internship with the same company, poc and location but a different description is counted as a different internship. Functionally, many internships posted to different websites are for the same position (as can be seen from the poc, role, company etc) but are slightly different description wise (added commas, etc to fit site requirements). I think it would be good to have a choice whether to note these under the same internship since it is a possibility of being the same role (then the user would not reapply twice, if using the app to keep track of which ones he has applied for). Nevertheless, I think this does not affect the app's functionality, which is well done, and am aware it is a small suggested improvement.

soc-pe-bot commented 2 months ago

Your response not required for this bug as the team has accepted the bug as it is.