redcross / smoke-alarm-portal

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Upgrade to ES6, and handle ES6->ES5 compatibility via transpilation. #45

Open kfogel opened 9 years ago

kfogel commented 9 years ago

As says, we should start using ES6 soon. If we need to maintain compatibility with ES5 environments (which we probably will for a while), we can transpile from ES6->ES5 using Babel or Traceur, as described in that blog post.

kfogel commented 9 years ago

From IRC discussion today:

<kfogel>       msnyon: all going okay with the admin / drywall stuff

<kfogel>       msnyon: (that's not a prod for detailed updates or
               anything -- "yes" is a perfectly fine answer if you're
               in the middle of stuff and not ready to summarize yet)

<msnyon>       kfogel: no problem. So far no problems; I'm redoing
               routes/index.js as an ES5 file. 

<kfogel>       msnyon: cool.  What is status of ES6, and should we
               consider it?

<kfogel>       msnyon: (and what about all our other .js files?)

<msnyon>       kfogel: Ah, I think that it would add time to the
               project, and I'd rather consider ES6 for the next
               phase, considering that there's a desire to get this to
               production ASAP

<paron_remote> oh boy oh boy

      I hope this is recorded.

<msnyon>       kfogel: Right now, I'd be willing to entertain a ES6 ->
               ES6 transpile strategy:

<kfogel>       msnyon: oh, uh, er.  So, assuming I were some kind of
               busy CEO, hah hah, what would your recommendation be
               for an ES version strategy for our application?

<msnyon>       kfogel: I'd start with the ES6 transpile strategy after
               the existing business requirements had been met for
               phase one. 

<kfogel>       msnyon: (oh, sorry, I saw your blog post after
               paron_remote posted his and thought they were related,
               and was like "I have to read two blog posts to figure
               this out?  Yikes!"  But that wasn't actually the case)

<kfogel>       msnyon: gotcha.

<kfogel>       msnyon: okay, thanks.

<kfogel>       msnyon: I will file a ticket so we don't forget

<msnyon>       kfogel: np.

<paron_remote> hello there cdonnelly 

<paron_remote> ooh

<msnyon>       paron_remote: in terms of that discussion, I'd love to
               see it as well

<kfogel>       msnyon:
               just fyi

* paron_remote half-jokingly advocates that if we're going to transpile things
  anyway we use ;)