reddcoin-project / reddcoin-3.10

Reddcoin: the digital social currency
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I unpacked reddcoin- - Now what? #131

Closed HeRo002 closed 4 years ago

HeRo002 commented 6 years ago

I have unpacked reddcoin- - Now what? There is no obvious "run me" file. My guess is that I need to execute one of these files:

reddcoin- reddcoin- reddcoin- reddcoin- reddcoin-

But which?

Edit: I already loaded the whole blockchain in the windows version of the wallet. Can I re-use those data here in Linux so I don't need to spend another 26 hours of high CPU?

PS: I use Ubuntu 18.04. The wallet link for ubuntu on did not work in Firefox ESR, but it works in the newest Firefox.

ghost commented 6 years ago

It's ./reddcoin-qt if you want a graphical user interface. Suppose so :)

And yes, you could probably just move the contents from %APPDATA%\Reddcoin to ~/.reddcoin, but then you'd better re-index them while starting the wallet after you copied it: ./reddcoin-qt -reindex.

Note: this -index option is only needed just once. After the wallet is fully started and reindexed, you can leave out that option the next time.

HeRo002 commented 6 years ago

Thank you! Now I have tried doing that, but reddcoin-qt doesn't seem executable(?) Here is a copy of my commands in Terminal:

henrik@Henrik-L570:~$ cd .reddcoin henrik@Henrik-L570:~/.reddcoin$ dir blocks chainstate db.log debug.log peers.dat reddcoin-qt wallet.dat henrik@Henrik-L570:~/.reddcoin$ reddcoin-qt -reindex reddcoin-qt: command not found

I guess I am still a linux-beginner, so what am I doing wrong here?

RobP-git commented 6 years ago

Welcome to linux :) Linux will only execute files from the %path%, not the current directory. This is a big difference to Windows. "./" references the current folder. So if are in /home/me/.reddcoin already, just type "./reddcoind".

If you're on the command line you'll want to use reddcoind and reddcoin-cli.

1) Setup your config file /home/me/.reddcoin/reddcoin.conf google vi or pico for info on how to edit files in linux

2) Start the server "./reddcoind 2>&1 &"

3) Interact with the server using reddcoin-cli "./reddcoin-cli"

HeRo002 commented 6 years ago

Now you lost me... I was pointed to reddcoin-qt because it has a GUI. Why do you want me to use the others? Can't I start an application with a GUI from Terminal?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Because you said you are new to linux, I assume you have a graphical environment on a desktop PC or laptop. Like the Ubuntu desktop or something like that.

In that case you can use the ./reddcoin-qt for the GUI if you are not that familiar with the command line or just want to use the GUI because that's easier. Personally I would only use the commandline if the OS does not have a graphical user interface or in case the resources are somewhat scarce.

HeRo002 commented 6 years ago

OK. Thank you - but here comes the next problem - from Terminal:

henrik@Henrik-L570:~/.reddcoin$ ./reddcoin-qt -reindex ./reddcoin-qt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

How do I install the missing library?

Update/edit: I tried this in Terminal (which didn't work):

henrik@Henrik-L570:~$ sudo apt-get install [sudo] password for henrik: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package E: Couldn't find any package by glob '' E: Couldn't find any package by regex '' henrik@Henrik-L570:~$

Second edit: I don't know why the server is crossing out the above, that I pasted from Terminal?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Try installing QT like: sudo apt install libqtgui4

HeRo002 commented 6 years ago

OK. Now reindexing is running! Terminal-command: ./reddcoin-qt -reindex GUI saying: "Reindexing blocks on disk...", "4 years and 10 weeks behind", and "9 active connections to Reddcoin network". For some reason it seems the reindexing process has deleted 1.6 GB of the 4.7 GB that was generated before I moved it from Windows 7 to Ubuntu 18.04. Thanks for now. :-)

ghost commented 6 years ago

Nice! The indexing will take some time, just let it go :)

GlassFX commented 6 years ago

I wish someone would just break down and make a video on this! It's really difficult to pursue a coin, when they can't get a instruction "HOW TO" because this is not as clear as it seems. HOW CAN ANY INVESTOR TAKE A COIN SERIOUS..... when said coin is happy knowing a wallet install is a damn serious issue. If they treat investors like this,.. how serious are they about their project?!?!? MY 2 SATOSHIS

HenryYoung42 commented 5 years ago

It is more or less the same for Bitcoin on Linux. That's doing ok ;-)