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Website dedicated to track promises made in Indian Elections, as suggested on
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Programmer #10

Closed okpatil4u closed 8 years ago

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

Comment on this issue to contribute as programmer. Please mention your expertise as well. We will be posting guidelines very soon.

Join here at #programmers channel

srinarasi commented 8 years ago

I use C++ at work but know JS/HTML/CSS pretty well and a bit of Python too. But I have never worked on any complex website. Whatever I have done has only been seen by a few hundred people. So I'm open to do any kind of work.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@srinarasi you are already in the team.

spookyskeleton commented 8 years ago

I'll be able to contribute to the frontend - HTML/CSS/JS and design.

bogas04 commented 8 years ago

I would love to contribute ! I'm good with JavaScript (Frontend & NodeJS) & HTML5 and I think for now we can start with a file as follows

# done
* [date started on, date completed on] abc 

# in progress 
* [date started on] pqr

# not yet started
* xyz

on the github's page itself. The backend would simply parse it and use maybe ReactJS to get those nice filters for the list. Further we can use highcharts, knobjs etc to give fancy charts and stuff for proper analysis.

Since all of it depends on the file, any other country/state can create their own fork by simply changing the name of the project and stuff in the file.

I have good experience with whatever I said above. More about my experience here

balajiramani commented 8 years ago

I am interested. I can do backend stuff with Django/Python, Java/Spring-Boot, AWS. I am not very proficient with frontend technologies.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@bogas04 good suggestion. Changed @balajiramani we are going need your expertise in backend when we start scaling it up. Welcome to the team.

bogas04 commented 8 years ago

@okpatil4u Oh, I meant that we can use such a for a government to parse it to JSON or something & view it on a fancy website. All the work would be to generate status.mds for each state and center (markdown is easier to maintain and very readable by non programmers), and the frontend can simply display charts and lists with filters around it.

ndarville commented 8 years ago

I can help out with front-end stuff—also most of your Jekyll needs, I imagine.

Let me know if you ever need any automated linting and stuff like that as well, as I’ve got some experience with that. LintHub is a really easy tool here.

gattu94 commented 8 years ago

Know the basics of front end, can code in python, java, work on ruby on rails, django frame works, and mongodb

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@bogas04 we are running jekyll site at, you can see it's code on gh-pages. We are using markdown to write down each post. @ndarville should be able to help us with better formatting of jekyll site. We are still deciding the frameworks etc. You can join our discussion at

ashwin47 commented 8 years ago

I can help. Rails/CSS/JS

saurabhsjoshi commented 8 years ago

I can make an Android app if required.

mishravikas commented 8 years ago

Hey! I would love to contribute to this. I have a pretty good experience in back end and can code in Python/Ruby/PHP and have worked on js frameworks like angularjs and jquery while working for Mozilla.

nini1294 commented 8 years ago

I'm pretty good with both frontend and backend stuff. Ruby/Rails/Sinatra and the normal HTML/JS

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@ashwin47 @mishravikas @nini1294 welcome guys. Please join the slack programmer channel.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@kartikanand join the slack channel, welcome to the team

karansachdeva86 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am good with Java, Spring, Hibernate frameworks (more than 5 years ex). I have already joined Slack programmer channel.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

Thanks @karansachdeva86.

rajnetgen commented 8 years ago


I have 5 years of experience in web development, PHP, HTML/CSS

rahulkapoor90 commented 8 years ago

I am well versed with web development technologies @okpatil4u would love to contribute to this repository.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@rajnetgen, @rahulkapoor90 welcome. Fork this repository, and get started.

dharmang commented 8 years ago

I have 7.5+ years of experience in web development. My key skills are PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery. I have also worked with PHP frameworks like Zend Framework 1.X branch, WordPress. I would be obliged if selected in team.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@dharmang welcome dharmang. Please join slack programmer channel. Also fork this repo and get started.

PCMR-FSNG commented 8 years ago

@okpatil4u : hey there... Java & Javascript dev reporting in

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@PCMR-FSNG welcome. Join the slack channel.

jimaldon commented 8 years ago

Backend dev (JSPs etc)

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@jimdsouza you are already in.

mr-karan commented 8 years ago

I would like to contribute as well. Can help with front-end stuff (HTML,CSS,JS) and know Python as well.

vipCodeError commented 8 years ago

I m ready to contribute

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@123vipulj welcome, join the slack channel

maximl337 commented 8 years ago

I would love to contribute.

thel3l commented 8 years ago

Et moi. Count me in.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@maximl337, welcome, join the slack channel and fork the repo. @thel3l, welcome, you will be helping with web scrapper, I guess. Thanks for your contribution, in advance.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

We have contribution guidelines on this repo. Closing this issue.