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Website dedicated to track promises made in Indian Elections, as suggested on
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Slack team #3

Closed srinarasi closed 8 years ago

srinarasi commented 8 years ago

I created a slack team for the project as it's a much better tool for collaboration. I named it Indian Promise Tracker as thought it conveys the intent more accurately.

Use this link to join:

xero08 commented 8 years ago

Count me in if appropriate. I can contribute with the front end and anything with PHP at backend.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

Front end sounds good @anuvab1911. We won't be making it dynamic, I guess. Static site makes sense. We would be showing information stored in json files. That should get us started. If we need, we can add more functionalities later. What do you think @srinarasi ?

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@srinarasi, it seems you need to send invite for this project on slack. Let's make these discussions public on github for now. We can go for slack anytime later.

wasim117 commented 8 years ago

Invite me

avinassh commented 8 years ago

@okpatil4u @srinarasi you can use Slackipy if you want to automate the invite process. I am the author, let me know if you need any help.

itsprdp commented 8 years ago

+1 Full Stack dev here

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

Yay, @avinassh is here, are you going to make us rockstars as well ? ;-) Can you start a heroku dyno with slackpy ? You could co-ordinate with @srinarasi for this one.

avinassh commented 8 years ago

ha ha.

I need a slack admin API key to create a dyne on Heroku. Its better you or @srinarasi creates it.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@srinarasi, can you pm @avinassh the api key ? Or @avinassh, would it be better if you create and maintain it yourself ?

avinassh commented 8 years ago

sure, I don't mind. Give me an API key created by an admin user, not owner. @srinarasi has to create a new user, give him admin privileges and generate an API key.

kjaggu commented 8 years ago

I would like to contribute from a content point of view, which includes creating content for the front-end, editing, etc. Can also help in finalising the look for the front-end. A friend and I have discussed the development in detail in the past, and we would be keen to share and get your views on the process of tracking.

anirudhvarma12 commented 8 years ago

I would also like to contribute. Can do front-end work. HTML+CSS but a bit of JS too.

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@kjaggu can you co-ordinate with @greyhound291 for content generation. Please create a seperate thread for each one.

kjaggu commented 8 years ago

@okpatil4u Thanks. I am new to Github. By a seperate thread, do you mean a new 'issue'?

avinassh commented 8 years ago

@kjaggu yes

code-haven commented 8 years ago

Fullstack developer here - I would like to be a part of this :+1:

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

@code-haven welcome. We would be working on frontend and content generation for now.

srinarasi commented 8 years ago

I've automated the user registration. Please use this link to register.

Thanks to @avinassh making the process a breeze. Excellent little utility.

kritinvij commented 8 years ago

Hey! I am here. Seems nice to see you guys make so much progress from the initial post & discussion that we made! Can you invite me for Slack at

greyhound291 commented 8 years ago

Use this @kritinvij :

kritinvij commented 8 years ago

Thanks greyhound!

okpatil4u commented 8 years ago

Slack forum is online, closing this issue.