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Created on is hardcoded, ModifiedBy and Modified ON need not be populated #7

Closed kjanwadker closed 2 weeks ago

kjanwadker commented 1 month ago

1) When writing a record to [SDD_TKTSTOCK].[dbo].[TICKETSTOCKERROR] table a) the createdby field should be populated with the username of the person logged, currently it is hard coded to "rv". b) ModifiedBy and ModifiedOn need not be populated when writing a record for the first time. These 2 fields can be left blank.

The same applies when writing records to the table [SDD_TKTSTOCK].[dbo].[TICKETSTOCKTRANSACTIONLOG]

kjanwadker commented 2 weeks ago

this issue is not fixed,

also the date time is not writing properly, it is still 1 pm here in EST usa but the date time written is

6/14/2024 4:55:25 PM
