redecentralize / alternative-internet

A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form).
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Add LibreWeb #330

Closed melroy89 closed 2 years ago

melroy89 commented 2 years ago

Adding the project.

Kyllingene commented 2 years ago

Considering that the project doesn't even have hosting figured out yet, it might be a tad early.

melroy89 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, what is wrong with the hosting?

rossjones commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the PR @danger89

Kyllingene commented 2 years ago

image The "How to deploy my site/blog" answer doesn't explain hosting the site, just fabrication of the site.

melroy89 commented 2 years ago

The "How to deploy my site/blog" answer doesn't explain hosting the site, just fabrication of the site.

Ah maybe you misunderstand. LibreWeb is using IPFS for storage. Your site is "hosted"/stored in the IPFS network. Since LibreWeb can directly read markdown files; similar to how a traditional web-browser can understand HTML pages, your markdown files does NOT need to be transpiled into HTML files.

Instead LibreWeb can directly open, parse and show you the markdown file fully rendered.

EDIT: You maybe mean how to combine multiple pages together, right? So that can be solved if either via IPNS or maybe using another DNS solution. Also the goal of LibreWeb is that the user is more in control of the content, rather than the "web developer".

Think of an e-readers instead of a traditional browser.

Kyllingene commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I only just realized you were the developer; I had typed up a long spiel about how this clearly was going for something else, but I am obviously wrong.

I think what confused me was your wording on the website. It really seemed like your target was more-or-less a replacement Internet, and figuring out how a URL replacement would work with IPFS was my main concern. However, since this doesn't aspire to be a full replacement for the Web, it seems fairly fully-featured for what it is trying to be. My apologies!

melroy89 commented 2 years ago

this doesn't aspire to be a full replacement for the Web

Well, it tries to reconsider what the Web could have been if it was fully decentralized. So no, I'm not replacing the current web 'as is'. Instead I try to build an alternative solution of the Web with the latest ideas and technologies, to embrace and empower decentralization.