redfish64 / TinyTravelTracker

Private Android GPS tracker
GNU General Public License v3.0
136 stars 31 forks source link

When restoring backups created with TTT, TTT complains about broken timestamps. #72

Closed Sakrecoer closed 7 years ago

Sakrecoer commented 7 years ago

How to reproduce:

  1. In settings, press "backup/restore to GPX", without password protection, tap "creat"
  2. In settings, press "Restore from GPX"
  3. Select the newly created backup GPX-file and tap "Restore"

Expected result: TTT loads the backup

Actual Result: TTT complains about broken timestamps and does not load the backup.

Note that these GPX backup files created with TTT work perfectly in GPSPrune, Google Earth and Viking.

Sakrecoer commented 7 years ago

My bad, i had tampered with the file with gpsbabel resulting in corrupt timestamps. TTT happily exports and re-imports it's GPX backup data.

Closing the issue.