redgeoff / delta-pouch

Conflict-free collaborative editing for PouchDB
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Reject promises when an error occurs #4

Closed nolanlawson closed 10 years ago

nolanlawson commented 10 years ago

Sorry for creating so many issues. Hope you understand it's because I really, really like this plugin. :)

Stuff like this is kind of a bad practice when it comes to promises. When an error occurs, you really ought to surface that to the user. A better pattern would be:

new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  // do some async stuff

or more simply:

function myFuncThatReturnsAPromise() {
  return doSomeStuff(); // implicitly rejects from the client's perspective if there's an error anywhere
redgeoff commented 10 years ago

No problem on the issues, please keep them coming :)

I'm still relatively inexperienced w/ promises. Let's take two examples. Here's what I would propose:

exports.all = function () {
  var db = this;
  return new Promise(function (fulfill, reject) {
    var docs = {},
        deletions = {};
    db.allDocs({include_docs: true}, function (err, doc) {

      if (!doc || doc.rows.length === 0) {

      // sort by createdAt as cannot guarantee that order preserved by pouch/couch
      doc.rows.sort(function (a, b) {
        return a.doc.$createdAt > b.doc.$createdAt;

      doc.rows.forEach(function (el, i) {
        if (!el.doc.$id) { // first delta for doc?
          el.doc.$id = el.doc._id;
        if (el.doc.$deleted) { // deleted?
          deletions[el.doc.$id] = true;
        } else if (!deletions[el.doc.$id]) { // update before any deletion?
          if (docs[el.doc.$id]) { // exists?
            docs[el.doc.$id] = exports.merge(docs[el.doc.$id], el.doc);
          } else {
            docs[el.doc.$id] = el.doc;
        if (i === doc.rows.length - 1) { // last element?

keeping in mind that I'd only like all() to fulfill after all docs have been loaded


function getAndRemove(db, id) {
  return new Promise(function (fulfill, reject) {
    db.get(id).then(function (object) {
    }).catch(function () { // not found?

Are these better? Can you think of a better way to refactor these?

nolanlawson commented 10 years ago

Sent some PRs your way. :)

redgeoff commented 10 years ago

Hey @nolanlawson, I just merged, which should greatly improve the way promises are handled throughout delta pouch. I know it is ridiculously large amount of changes for one commit, but I figure this project still hasn't gotten past an initial release so I'd just bite the bullet and fix it all at once. In the future, I'll break this stuff up.

When you get a chance, could you please take a look at the new code and see if there are any more promises that should be refactored? There are two areas that I'm still not to sure about:

and - Is this the best way to test these cases?

nolanlawson commented 10 years ago

Yep, no prob. Moving fast this early on is totally okay, and anyway, it's your project. :)

nolanlawson commented 10 years ago

Sent in a PR for the first one. For the second one, I believe your tests are ending early, because the promise is resolving before the onCreate/onUpdate/onDelete even gets invoked.

In any case, you're right that you should use event emitters instead. PouchDB already emits a 'change' object, so you could just piggyback on that and emit your own events. It may get confusing, though, because we also emit some 'created' and 'deleted' events, I believe. (It's not documented and we should really go through it with a fine-toothed comb.)

nolanlawson commented 10 years ago

There is also a Promise.all function you may be interested in to replace your each function.

nolanlawson commented 10 years ago

More about promises:

redgeoff commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I first tried using Promise.all in cleanup(), but the problem I then had was that each cleanupDocs call has to occur in sequence and Promise.all doesn't guarantee that the promises will be executed in sequential order.

nolanlawson commented 10 years ago

You can do promises in sequence. There is a secret pattern:

var chain = Promise.resolve();

var tasks = ...; // this is an array of promises
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
  chain = chain.then(tasks[i]);
chain.then(...); // by the time then() is called, all of them have been executed in sequence
nolanlawson commented 10 years ago

Er, sorry, I mean that should be an array of promise factories, i.e. functions that each return a promise. It's hard.

redgeoff commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the info on the sequential chaining. I've fixed that with

As for emitting events: I'm thinking about prefixing the events with delta- so that they are kept separate from pouch core, e.g. delta-create, delta-update, and delta-delete. What do you think?

redgeoff commented 10 years ago

Also, I'd have to create some mechanism for setting the getItem ( function. I'm thinking something like one of the following. Anything look pouch-like?

db.register('get-item', getItem);
db.getter('item', getItem);
db.deltaConfig({ item: getItem });
nolanlawson commented 10 years ago

If I were you, I would actually not concentrate on events for now. Yes, you are right to prefix, but in my experience event emitters are just really hard to grok (I've screwed it up many times), and you may want to nail down the core API first. Just a suggestion.

redgeoff commented 10 years ago contains the new event emitter code. I'm sure it could use some more fine tuning, but I'm pretty happy with how it is working. I rolled my own events as I didn't have much luck piggybacking off of pouch's existing events and I figured it would probably be better if they were kept separate anyway.