redhat-cop / pathfinder

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Clarification of the inadvisable category #213

Open ipribova opened 4 years ago

ipribova commented 4 years ago

Does the term inadvisable mean it is not advisable in the as-is status but can be rebuilt to suit containers, or does it mean it is totally inadvisable to run the application on OCP? If it is the first option, could we have a different label that leaves the door to OCP opened?

edseymour commented 4 years ago

This is possibly a duplication of #206 - field experience suggests these terms are not clear enough or disenfranchise potential adopters. We recognise that some applications may be modernised and migrated to a container platform over a period of time, in incremental chunks, for example, strangle-the-monolith. As such we should adopt language that supports these types of opportunities. #207 suggests a mechanism for tracking this type of work.