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Organize hover responses in a predictable way for ease of use #390

Open turkeylurkey opened 6 days ago

turkeylurkey commented 6 days ago

I have a file called and it contains

injected.value2=Injected value2
value=lookup value


When I hover over the word "Service" I can get two different results in the IDE. Two different language servers respond and it seems random which result is displayed first. Sometimes an empty page is displayed as page 1 and other content on page 2. image image Sometimes the page with all the content is first and the blank one is second. image

I think the responses should be sorted in some deterministic way so the user can rely on seeing things a certain way. Even if it is as simple as alphabetical order by name of language server it should be consistent over a reasonable period of time. Obviously as language servers start and stop the order could change but it should be consistent while a certain collection of LS are running.

Also, one language server responded with

[Trace - 16:48:07] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (9)' in 6ms.
Result: {
  "contents": {
    "kind": "plaintext",
    "value": ""

Fixed ~I think we should check value for null or empty string and not even return a message in that case.~

angelozerr commented 6 days ago

I think we should check value for null or empty string and not even return a message in that case.

It should work like this by using

and there is a test about this usecase

Are you sure the empty hover comes from an another language server? You mean that your Jakarta LS contribuet to

Coud youshare your 2 LSP traces withe the two hover.

aparnamichael commented 6 days ago


These are the traces from the language servers.

Liberty config LS:

[Trace - 15:17:10] Sending request 'textDocument/hover - (13)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///Users/aparnacmichael/Documents/Devex/Codebase/liberty-tools-intellij/src/test/resources/projects/gradle/sampleGradleMPLSApp/src/main/resources/META-INF/" }, "position": { "line": 5, "character": 9 } }

[Trace - 15:17:10] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (13)' in 1ms. Result: { "contents": { "kind": "plaintext", "value": "" } }

Microprofile LS:

[Trace - 15:17:10] Sending request 'textDocument/hover - (21)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///Users/aparnacmichael/Documents/Devex/Codebase/liberty-tools-intellij/src/test/resources/projects/gradle/sampleGradleMPLSApp/src/main/resources/META-INF/" }, "position": { "line": 5, "character": 9 } }

[Trace - 15:17:10] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (21)' in 2ms. Result: { "contents": { "kind": "markdown", "value": "\n\nThe base URL to use for this service, the equivalent of the baseUrl method.\r\nThis property (or /mp-rest/uri) is considered required, however implementations may have other ways to define these URLs/URIs.\n\n Type: java.lang.String\n * Value: http://localhost:9081/data/client/service" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 5, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 5, "character": 51 } } }

Video for your reference.

angelozerr commented 6 days ago

Thanks @aparnamichael for your answer.

I don't know when I will have time to study this issue since now I'm very busy with our IJ Quarkus to create a release as soon as some bug fixes will be done.

turkeylurkey commented 6 days ago

It looks like this line should catch it.

The test you refer to is for "kind": "markdown", so it is not applicable in this case. Your plaintext test case has a non-empty string.

angelozerr commented 6 days ago

Any PR with test are welcome!

turkeylurkey commented 5 days ago

I think your tests are unit tests and don't hit LSPDocumentationHelper.

Also, we have been using 06/15 and I believe the code from 06/18 fixes the problem with the empty message.

This means we don't have a use case that shows multiple messages for a hover situation but if we did the messages would be in a random order. So the first part of this issue is still in play.

angelozerr commented 5 days ago

If I understand correctly your comment if there are several ls which provide non empty hover, LSP4IJ need to sort them.

turkeylurkey commented 5 days ago

That's right, the user will be more comfortable seeing them in a predictable order.

angelozerr commented 5 days ago

It means that we need to provide an extension point to sort.

I think we should wait for having a concrete usecase to implement that

turkeylurkey commented 4 days ago

That sounds like a good idea but I'd hate for it to become so complex that the basic function is not implemented.

That said, we no longer have a use case so this is not high priority for us.

angelozerr commented 4 days ago

An another simple idea is to sort hover by server name.

That said, we no longer have a use case so this is not high priority for us.

Indeed let's waiting for a concrete usecase to discuss again about that.