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liberty server dropins setting #225

Open cervantesandres opened 5 months ago

cervantesandres commented 5 months ago

when adding an ear to server from vscode the ear gets put on the dropins folder. How to override this. On my server.xml I have apps folder as the application monitor.

robstryker commented 5 months ago

What server type are you trying to add an EAR to?

cervantesandres commented 5 months ago

on WebSphere liberty

Also, when starting the server from the server community, it fails to locate the data source. However, when initiated from the command line, the server successfully finds the data source.

robstryker commented 4 months ago

Regarding the deployment location, it is currently dynamically resolved via the following path:

"deployPath": "usr/servers/${}/dropins",

I could try to make this overrideable, but it would require a feature request and I'd need to know a lot more about where (for example) you want to copy your deployments to, whether it's within the server's home directory or somewhere arbitrary on your filesystem, etc etc.

As for the difference in behavior from starting via RSP and starting via cmdline, it would be nice if you could get me two pieces of data about the spawned processes.

1) After starting via commandline, can you do a check of running processes to show the full commandline used to launch the server?

2) Do the same after starting via the RSP plugin

Sometimes newer versions update the spawned command lines and I don't update the plugin properly. In some cases, the shell or batch script in the runtime that launches the processes may have specific dynamic cases that I've overlooked or failed to replicate exactly.

Thanks in advance.

cervantesandres commented 3 months ago
  1. When adding the EAR via VSCODE, I prefer it to be placed in the 'apps' folder instead of the 'dropins' directory, following the Liberty structure: wlp usr servers defaultServer droppins apps

  2. commandline startup "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\sh.exe" ./server start defaultServer

    RSP plugin cmdline C:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\jdk17.0.11_9\bin\javaw.exe" "-javaagent:C:\Users\acervant.rsp\redhat-community-server-connector\runtimes\installations\liberty24.0.0.2\wlp/bin/tools/ws-javaagent.jar" -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true -classpath "C:\Users\acervant.rsp\redhat-community-server-connector\runtimes\installations\liberty24.0.0.2\wlp\bin\tools\ws-server.jar" defaultServer

los-rottweilers commented 3 months ago

@robstryker Did I provide the correct information in my previous comment?