redhat-developer / vscode-extension-tester

ExTester: Your Essential UI Testing Companion for Visual Studio Code Extensions! Seamlessly execute UI tests with Selenium WebDriver, ensuring robustness and reliability in your extension development journey. Simplify UI testing for your VS Code extensions and elevate the quality of your user interface effortlessly.
Apache License 2.0
265 stars 72 forks source link

feat(cli): This change allows to install pre-release version of the extensions to the test instance when available in the marketplace #1584

Closed serhergz closed 3 weeks ago

serhergz commented 1 month ago

This change allows to install pre-release version of the extensions to the test instance when available in the marketplace. This enables testing of pre-release versions of extension you depend on and detect breaking changes early.

I created this issue:

serhergz commented 1 month ago

Hi Dominik, I see some test failing, but not related to the changes I made, how should I proceed?

djelinek commented 1 month ago

Hi Dominik, I see some test failing, but not related to the changes I made, how should I proceed?

Hello, CI failures are not related. I will rerun them to have green build.

May I ask you please to retest changes for your use case with latest changes on this PR?

sonarcloud[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Quality Gate Passed Quality Gate passed

0 New issues
0 Accepted issues

0 Security Hotspots
0.0% Coverage on New Code
0.0% Duplication on New Code

See analysis details on SonarCloud

serhergz commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Dominik, I see some test failing, but not related to the changes I made, how should I proceed?

Hello, CI failures are not related. I will rerun them to have green build.

May I ask you please to retest changes for your use case with latest changes on this PR?

Hi Dominik, I can confirm i retested with the latest changes, everything is working fine.