redhat-developer / vscode-server-connector

📦 Connects Visual Studio Code to your server adapters and run, deploy apps !!
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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[Question] How to add a remotely managed jboss/wildfly #538

Closed gayanper closed 2 years ago

gayanper commented 2 years ago

In Eclipse Jboss Tools you could add a remotely managed server instance into Eclipse and deploy artifact into it. How to achieve the same with this vscode extension ?

robstryker commented 2 years ago

The eclipse plugins depended on a set of plugins called RSE (Remote System Explorer) to do a lot of this dirty work. Those plugins are big, complicated, and no longer maintained. Porting them into the server connector framework would be hard and likely a huge boondoggle, considering their codebase is very eclipse specific, extendable to a fault (ie so extendable that much of the code is needless abstractions), and we may be better off supporting a single protocol and doing it from scratch or with the aid of a more widely used library.

The short answer is, no, we don't have that support right now. But, some users have found luck by doing things like creating a "server adapter" who's home directory is a folder that is actually, on the OS level, a remote system mounted via sshfs or similar.

gayanper commented 2 years ago

So you mean the eclipse jboss plugins will be not updated frequently anymore and vscode plugins will be more prioritize and will get this feature in a future release is it ? So if i focus on working with java, jboss I should focus on using vscode if i need upto date plugin support ?

robstryker commented 2 years ago

Right now JBT is being maintained. If something works there, it will likely continue working, until it doesn't. And when remote server connections stops working, we'll have to see if the resources are available to fix it. If the fix is easy, it would likely be solved. If the fix is hard, it's possible the resources won't be available.

The vscode extension is undergoing more development, but so far remote servers have not been added as a primary use case the way they were for JBT. Since we lack the 'eclipse infrastructure' to just plug in to other extensions here in vscode, we'd need to roll our own solution for this, and that may be hairy. It's hard for me to talk intelligently about this topic for vscode at the moment because no serious evaluation of the options available has been undertaken yet.

gayanper commented 2 years ago

Thanks @robstryker

robstryker commented 2 years ago

I've opened to track the issue.