redhat-developer / vscode-server-connector

📦 Connects Visual Studio Code to your server adapters and run, deploy apps !!
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Vs Code Explorer Panel Unexpectedly Revealed on Server Start/Stop or in Debug #611

Open Spart-v6 opened 1 week ago

Spart-v6 commented 1 week ago

I've noticed an issue with the Server Connector extension in VS Code where the Explorer panel unexpectedly reveals itself whenever I start or stop a server. This behavior is disruptive as it causes the panel to flash abruptly, which interrupts workflow and can be distracting.

I am attaching a video demonstrating this issue for clarity. Please review the video to see the problem in action.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open VS Code with the Server Connector extension installed.
  2. Start or stop a server or open a debug session using the extension.
  3. Observe that the Explorer panel, if hidden, reveals itself abruptly.

Expected behavior: The Explorer panel should remain in its current state (visible or hidden) without being forcibly revealed when starting or stopping a server.

Specs: Vs code version: 1.90.1 OS: Windows 11

This issue disrupts the usability of the extension and I would appreciate any insights or solutions to resolve this behavior.

Thank you!

robstryker commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the report!

I'll look into this when I get a chance. I admit it's not super-high priority and I have a vacation coming up, but I'll see if I can investigate it before I go. Otherwise, I'll need to look into it when I get back =/