redhat-documentation / modular-docs

Modular Documentation Project provides guidelines and examples for writing technical documentation using a modular framework.
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Do we have a Modular Documentation checklist? #206

Open bredamc opened 1 year ago

bredamc commented 1 year ago

The Modular documentation reference guide and associated templates are very useful when learning about mod docs, thank you!

Do we also have a Modular Documentation checklist? Such a document would be very useful for those who are new to mod docs, and for peer reviews by reviewers who are not familiar with all of the mod doc rules.

rolfedh commented 10 months ago

Hi, @rohennes.

rolfedh commented 10 months ago

Hi @bredamc, I raised this issue in today's Modular Documentation Steering Committee meeting and got support for it from @emmurphy1 and @mjahoda.

bredamc commented 10 months ago

@rolfedh That's great, many thanks for raising the issue and letting me know the result!

aireilly commented 10 months ago

The AsciiDoc Vale rules are an attempt to highlight potential issues with AsciiDoc syntax that can cause problems in output, unclosed tables, incorrect ifdefs, etc. You could consider it like an imperfect and (very) limited AsciiDoc Parser. Note that a lot of these validations are done by default with the asciidoctor.js validation in the VS Code plugin.

The OpenShiftAsciiDoc are probably closer to what a Mod Docs rule set would look like. These are project-specific AsciiDoc usage guidelines.

aireilly commented 10 months ago

Click into the rules above to see a one-liner describing what the rule catches.

rohennes commented 9 months ago

Hey Rolfe, +1 to Aidan's comments. AsciiDoc rules are aimed at basic syntax validation. It is a vanilla rule set that can be used inside/outside of Red Hat, so isn't based on any Red Hat specific guidelines like the mod docs guidelines. For more custom metadata, we created the OpenShiftAsciiDoc rules. I don't think you could see them as a checklist for mod docs, although they are complimentary.

A vale rule set for mod docs might be possible, but probably fairly limited. You could have a rule for the following:

It may be more effort than it's worth though. You'd also need to configure you .vale.ini to ensure module or assembly specific mod-docs rules applied only to assemblies/modules. Bit of a headache...

jhradilek commented 9 months ago

A few years ago, I started a Vale style for exactly this which I recently decided to revive. I do not think it is mature enough and some of the changes I have implemented locally are maybe not suitable for all projects, but I currently have the following functionality:

Unpushed I also have experimental version of rules that:

rolfedh commented 9 months ago

Wow! This is a great start, @jhradilek.

If you're interested, the newdoc tool that @msuchane created for generating new mod doc files has a deprecated -validate option. I wonder if he has some insights to that might be useful to your project.

For background:

[rdlugyhe@rdlugyhe-thinkpadt14sgen2i rhbq-quarkus]$ newdoc --help
Generate pre-populated module files formatted with AsciiDoc that are used in Red Hat and Fedora

Usage: newdoc -a TITLE... -c TITLE... -p TITLE... -r TITLE... -s TITLE... [-i TITLE] -l FILE... [-M]
[-E] [-P] [-A] [-T DIRECTORY] [-v | -q]

Available options:
  Generate or validate files:
    -a, --assembly <TITLE>  Create an assembly file
    -c, --concept <TITLE>  Create a concept module
    -p, --procedure <TITLE>  Create a procedure module
    -r, --reference <TITLE>  Create a reference module
    -s, --snippet <TITLE>  Create a snippet file
    -i, --include-in <TITLE>  Create an assembly that includes the other specified modules
    -l, --validate <FILE>  DEPRECATED: Validate (lint) an existing module or assembly file
  Common options:
    -M, --comments     Generate the file with explanatory comments
    -E, --no-examples  Generate the file without any example, placeholder content
    -P, --no-file-prefixes  Do not use module type prefixes (such  -l, --validate <FILE>  DEPRECATED: Validate (lint) an existing module or assembly fileas `proc_`) in file names
    -A, --anchor-prefixes  Add use module type prefixes (such as `proc_`) in AsciiDoc anchors
    -T, --target-dir <DIRECTORY>  Save the generated files in this directory
    -v, --verbose      Display additional, debug messages
    -q, --quiet        Hide info-level messages. Display only warnings and errors
    -h, --help         Prints help information
    -V, --version      Prints version information
rolfedh commented 9 months ago

In, which is very much WIP, @mjahoda proposes having an abbreviated checklist in addition to the comprehensive one.

For simplicity and ease of maintenance, I propose having a single checklist with two parts:

The checklist and tooling completement each other:

We'll work to ensure that the mod docs standard, checklist, and tooling all align with one another.

rolfedh commented 9 months ago

@jhradilek, I created an issue for the Mod Docs community to discuss the Vale Style for Mod Docs:

msuchane commented 9 months ago

If you're interested, the newdoc tool that @msuchane created for generating new mod doc files has a deprecated -validate option. I wonder if he has some insights to that might be useful to your project.

The validation feature in newdoc only ever tested Pantheon 2 and Jupiter requirements. Now that we're moving to a different publishing platform, the tests are obsolete, so I'm removing them. There was very little in the newdoc validation suite that could check the modularity: maybe a test if modules include other modules.

emmurphy1 commented 8 months ago

@rolfedh the checklist is a great start. I believe the original request was for a checklist that writers can use when reviewing modularized content. The discussion around vale is really great as well, and it possible it would be fantastic to get check in there. However, I think these are two separate projects. I made a few comments in the MR. In general, I think we need to make the checks more specific.