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Generated Vale rules bare-metal-n.yml and bare-metal-adj.yml offer conflicting advice #29

Closed aireilly closed 2 years ago

aireilly commented 3 years ago

In the RH SSG, "bare metal" is correct in the noun form, while "bare-metal" is correct when used as an adjective. Currently, the generated Vale rules bare-metal-n.yml and bare-metal-adj.yml offer conflicting advice.

rolfedh commented 3 years ago

Below, I'll show you instances of " bare-metal" and "bare metal" in the documentation. For " bare-metal", I inserted a space before the string to avoid including many filenames and ids in the search results.

rolfedh commented 3 years ago

Here are the 22 results for " bare-metal".

Results for " bare-metal" in "openshift-docs/*.adoc"

  1188:  * The Ironic API service that is embedded in bare-metal installer-provisioned infrastructure now uses

  20:  when installing bare-metal nodes.

  10:  This functionality is generally most useful for clusters installed on bare-metal hardware.

  135:  LoadBalancer. In general, this is only useful for bare-metal clusters. In OpenShift 3.x, this was misleadingly

  19:  * A cluster installed on bare-metal hardware.

  52:  .. If you want to use bare-metal control plane machines, change the value of `controlPlane.platform.openstack.type`
  80:  <1> If you want to have bare-metal control plane machines, change this value to a bare metal flavor.
  92:  .. If you want to use bare-metal control plane machines, change the value of `os_flavor_master` to a bare
  112:  <1> If you want to have bare-metal control plane machines, change this value to a bare metal flavor.

  191:  use `coreos.inst.insecure`. This is because the bare-metal media are not GPG-signed for {product-title}.

  4:  If the MAC address of an existing bare-metal node in the cluster matches the MAC address of a bare-metal
  4:  node in the cluster matches the MAC address of a bare-metal host you are attempting to add to the cluster,
  4:  retries the installation continuously. A registration error is displayed for the failed bare-metal host.
  6:  diagnose a duplicate MAC address by examining the bare-metal hosts that are running in the `openshift-machine-api`
  16:  To determine whether a bare-metal host that fails provisioning has the same MAC address as an existing
  18:  . Get the bare-metal hosts running in the `openshift-machine-api` namespace:

  2:  = Adding bare-metal compute machines to a {rh-openstack} cluster
  6:  You can add bare-metal compute machines to an {product-title} cluster after you deploy it
  93:  You can now use bare-metal compute machines in your {product-title} cluster.

  17:  * A cluster installed on bare-metal hardware with nodes that have hardware that supports PTP.

  27:  * A cluster installed on bare-metal hardware with nodes that have hardware that supports SR-IOV.
  121:  * A cluster installed on bare-metal hardware with nodes that have hardware that supports SR-IOV.
rolfedh commented 3 years ago

Here are the 258 results for "bare metal":

Results for "bare metal" in "openshift-docs/*.adoc"

  74:  xref:../installing/installing_bare_metal/installing-bare-metal.adoc#installing-bare-metal[Bare metal]

  80:  installing-restricted-networks-bare-metal.adoc#installing-restricted-networks-bare-metal[bare metal], or xref:../installing/installing_aws/installing-restricted-networks-aws.adoc#installing-restricted-networks-aws[Amazon

  28:  * Bare metal or other platform agnostic infrastructure
  52:  and xref:../installing/installing_bare_metal_ipi/ipi-install-overview#ipi-install-overview[bare metal].
  56:  installing_bare_metal/installing-bare-metal.adoc#installing-bare-metal[bare metal installation] procedure.
  65:  installing-restricted-networks-bare-metal.adoc#installing-restricted-networks-bare-metal[bare metal]. You can also install a cluster into a restricted
  109:  ||AWS |Azure |GCP |OpenStack |RHV |Bare metal |vSphere |VMC |IBM Z |IBM Power
  112:  ||AWS |Azure |GCP |OpenStack |oVirt |Bare metal |vSphere |VMC |IBM Z |IBM Power
  204:  ||AWS |Azure |GCP |OpenStack |RHV |Bare metal |vSphere |VMC |IBM Z |IBM Power
  207:  ||AWS |Azure |GCP |OpenStack |oVirt |Bare metal |vSphere |VMC |IBM Z |IBM Power

  26:  You can configure and deploy a machine health check to detect and repair unhealthy bare metal nodes.

  71:  installing_bare_metal/installing-bare-metal.adoc#minimum-resource-requirements_installing-bare-metal[bare metal].

  13:  installing_bare_metal/installing-bare-metal.adoc#minimum-resource-requirements_installing-bare-metal[bare metal].

  19:  PTP Operator works with PTP-capable devices on clusters provisioned only on bare metal infrastructure.

  2:  = Using the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) on a bare metal cluster

  28:  You can add more {op-system-first} compute machines to your {product-title} cluster on bare metal.
  30:  compute machines to a cluster that you installed on bare metal infrastructure, you must create {op-system} machines
  35:  * You installed a cluster on bare metal.

  49:  == Image Registry on bare metal and vSphere
  66:  configuring-registry-storage-baremetal.adoc#configuring-registry-storage-baremetal[Configuring the registry for bare metal]

  51:  several improvements to disk provisioning for bare metal deployments. The following features are currently
  142:  ==== Installing a cluster on {rh-openstack} that uses bare metal machines
  144:  {rh-openstack-first} infrastructure that uses bare metal machines. The cluster can have both control plane
  144:  control plane and compute machines running on bare metal, or just compute machines. For more information,
  144:  installing-openstack-user.adoc#installation-osp-deploying-bare-metal-machines_installing-openstack-user[Deploying a cluster with bare metal machines].
  192:  static IP address to the bootstrap host of a bare metal installation that used installer-provisioned infrastructure.
  197:  installer for installer-provisioned installation on bare metal nodes now automatically creates a storage pool
  199:  installer for installer-provisioned installation on bare metal nodes provides a survey which asks the user a
  204:  deployed with installer-provisioned installation on bare metal clusters can deploy with static IP addresses.
  405:  using installer-provisioned infrastructure on bare metal nodes. Deploying a cluster with Secure Boot requires
  420:  * Bare metal hardware
  677:  the BareMetalHost API is set to `false`, the Bare Metal Operator shuts down nodes "hard." That is, it
  677:  does not shut down the node within three minutes, the Bare Metal Operator executes a "hard" shutdown.
  837:  ==== HWMon data collection for hardware telemetry for bare metal clusters
  839:  enabled for hardware health telemetry such as CPU temperature and fan speeds for bare metal clusters.
  1097:  When using installer-provisioned installation on bare metal nodes, {product-title} 4.6 required providing
  1097:  using installer provisioned infrastructure on bare metal nodes and deploying without a `provisioning` network.
  1158:  *Bare Metal Hardware Provisioning*
  1174:  was not handled correctly and caused duplicate bare metal hosts registration. (link:
  1176:  syslinux-nonlinux package was not included with bare metal provisioning images. As a result, virtual media
  1185:  * Bare metal installations on installer-provisioned infrastructure no longer silently skip writing an
  1206:  * Previously, the bare metal actuator deleted the underlying host by also deleting the `Machine` object,
  1389:  * Bare metal provisioning now does not fail if there is a small, up to one hour, clock skew between the
  1395:  not setting the appropriate metadata on their bare metal flavors. Validations are now skipped on flavors
  1417:  for the installer-provisioned infrastructure bare metal installation method incorrectly used the `provisioningHostIP`
  2059:  * When attempting an IPI installation on bare metal using the latest Dell firmware ( nodes

  2:  = Managing bare metal hosts
  8:  When you install {product-title} on a bare metal cluster, you can provision and manage bare metal nodes
  8:  bare metal cluster, you can provision and manage bare metal nodes using `machine` and `machineset` custom
  8:  using `machine` and `machineset` custom resources (CRs) for bare metal hosts that exist in the cluster.
  15:  adding-bare-metal-compute-user-infra.adoc#adding-bare-metal-compute-user-infra[Adding compute machines to bare metal]
  24:  deploying-machine-health-checks.adoc#machine-health-checks-bare-metal_deploying-machine-health-checks[MachineHealthChecks on bare metal]

  18:  Cloud, VM, and bare metal CPU performance can be capable of handling much more than one Gbps network throughput.

  6:  = About bare metal hosts and nodes
  8:  To provision a {op-system-first} bare metal host as a node in your cluster, first create a `MachineSet`
  8:  resource (CR) object that corresponds to the bare metal host hardware. Bare metal host machine sets describe
  8:  corresponds to the bare metal host hardware. Bare metal host machine sets describe infrastructure components
  10:  {product-title} uses `Machine` CR's to provision the bare metal node that corresponds to the host as specified

  6:  = Adding a bare metal host to the cluster using the web console
  8:  You can add bare metal hosts to the cluster in the web console.
  12:  * Install an {op-system} cluster on bare metal.
  17:  . In the web console, navigate to *Compute* -> *Bare Metal Hosts*.
  19:  . Specify a unique name for the new bare metal host.
  25:  of replicas to match the number of available bare metal hosts. Navigate to *Compute* -> *MachineSets*,
  29:  You can also manage the number of bare metal nodes using the `oc scale` command and the appropriate bare
  29:  the number of bare metal nodes using the `oc scale` command and the appropriate bare metal machine set.

  6:  = Adding a bare metal host to the cluster using YAML in the web console
  8:  You can add bare metal hosts to the cluster in the web console using a YAML file that describes the bare
  8:  bare metal hosts to the cluster in the web console using a YAML file that describes the bare metal host.
  12:  * Install a {op-system} compute machine on bare metal infrastructure for use in the cluster.
  14:  * Create a `Secret` CR for the bare metal host.
  18:  . In the web console, navigate to *Compute* -> *Bare Metal Hosts*.
  38:  CR. The `baremetal-operator` cannot manage the bare metal host without a valid `Secret` referenced in the
  40:  . Select *Create* to save the YAML and create the new bare metal host.
  41:  of replicas to match the number of available bare metal hosts. Navigate to *Compute* -> *MachineSets*,
  45:  You can also manage the number of bare metal nodes using the `oc scale` command and the appropriate bare
  45:  the number of bare metal nodes using the `oc scale` command and the appropriate bare metal machine set.

  42:  installing-bare-metal.adoc#installing-bare-metal[Install a cluster on bare metal]**: If none of the available platform and cloud
  42:  available platform and cloud providers meet your needs, you can install {product-title} on bare metal.
  44:  ipi-install-overview.adoc#ipi-install-overview[Install an installer-provisioned cluster on bare metal]**: You can install {product-title} on bare metal
  44:  bare metal]**: You can install {product-title} on bare metal with an installer-provisioned architecture.
  46:  installing-bare-metal.adoc#creating-machines-bare-metal[Create {op-system-first} machines on bare metal]**: You can install {op-system} machines using
  68:  installing_bare_metal/installing-restricted-networks-bare-metal.adoc#installing-restricted-networks-bare-metal[bare metal]

  51:  AWS, bare metal, or vSphere hosts. If you use the installer-provisioned

  2:  = Installing a cluster on bare metal with network customizations
  62:  Before you install a cluster on bare metal infrastructure that you provision,

  2:  = Installing a cluster on bare metal
  9:  bare metal infrastructure that you provision.
  15:  considerations for non-bare metal platforms. Review the information in the
  68:  Before you install a cluster on bare metal infrastructure that you provision,

  2:  = Installing a cluster on bare metal in a restricted network
  9:  bare metal infrastructure that you provision in a restricted network.
  15:  considerations for non-bare metal platforms. Review the information in the
  84:  Before you install a cluster on bare metal infrastructure that you provision,

  6:  provides support for installing {product-title} on bare metal nodes. This guide provides a methodology to achieving
  8:  During installer-provisioned installation on bare metal, the installer on the bare metal node labeled
  8:  installation on bare metal, the installer on the bare metal node labeled as `provisioner` creates a bootstrap

  11:  of the installer-provisioned installation on bare metal. The diagrams below provide a troubleshooting

  13:  Additional considerations exist for non-bare metal platforms. Review the information in the

  13:  Additional considerations exist for non-bare metal platforms. Review the information in the

  18:  Additional considerations exist for non-bare metal platforms. Review the information in the

  18:  Additional considerations exist for non-bare metal platforms. Review the information in the

  18:  Additional considerations exist for non-bare metal platforms. Review the information in the

  18:  Additional considerations exist for non-bare metal platforms. Review the information in the

  51:  created to customize your installation. For example, you can deploy a cluster that uses bare metal machines.

  53:  created to customize your installation. For example, you can deploy a cluster that uses bare metal machines.

  26:  installing-bare-metal.adoc#installing-bare-metal[Install {product-title} {product-version} on bare metal]

  2:  = Adding compute machines to bare metal
  8:  You can add more compute machines to your {product-title} cluster on bare metal.
  12:  installing_bare_metal/installing-bare-metal.adoc#installing-bare-metal[installed a cluster on bare metal].
  23:  compute machines to a cluster that you installed on bare metal infrastructure, you must create {op-system} machines

  57:  a cluster on bare metal], and

  9:  This is generally useful only for a cluster installed on bare metal hardware.

  23:  * Remote worker nodes are supported on only bare metal clusters with user-provisioned infrastructure.

  2:  = Configuring the registry for bare metal
  24:  details about configuring registry storage for bare metal, see xref:../../scalability_and_performance/optimizing-storage.adoc#recommended-configurable-storage-technology_persistent-storage[Recommended

  17:  installing-bare-metal.adoc#installing-bare-metal[Install {product-title} {product-version} on bare metal]

  17:  installing-bare-metal.adoc#installing-bare-metal[Install {product-title} {product-version} on bare metal]

  39:  |Deploying Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage to local storage on bare metal infrastructure
  40:  deploying_openshift_container_storage_using_bare_metal_infrastructure//[Deploying OpenShift Container Storage 4.7 using bare metal infrastructure]

  11:  installing-bare-metal.adoc#installing-bare-metal[bare metal] infrastructure with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  32:  the internal {product-title} image registry on bare metal by updating the Image Registry Operator configuration.

  22:  is recommended that you use `bootupd` only on bare metal or virtualized hypervisor installations, such

  6:  = Automatically scaling machines to the number of available bare metal hosts
  12:  * Install {op-system} bare metal compute machines for use in the cluster, and create corresponding `BareMetalHost`

  53:  When running on bare metal with modern processors, you can expect roughly twice the performance of the

  26:  * A cluster installed on bare metal hardware.

  28:  This procedure is fully supported with bare metal installations using {op-system-first} systems.

  13:  be deployed in a variety of public clouds or bare metal, the Compliance Operator cannot determine available

  23:  |Instructions on deploying OpenShift Container Storage to local storage on bare metal infrastructure
  24:  deploying_openshift_container_storage_using_bare_metal_infrastructure/index[Deploying OpenShift Container Storage 4.5 using bare metal infrastructure]

  54:  access for an installation on bare metal hardware or on VMware vSphere.

  115:  platforms that are not machine API enabled, such as bare metal and other user-provisioned infrastructure, you

  49:  = Sample `install-config.yaml` file for bare metal

  55:  For bare metal installations, if you do not assign node IP addresses from the

  14:  installation-user-infra-machines-advanced.adoc. <-- This module is in use with the following bare metal assemblies:

  10:  // This content was sourced from the bare metal RHCOS assembly file `modules/installation-user-infra-machines-advanced.adoc`
  10:  partitioning` subheader. "Disk partioning" content in the bare metal assembly is not modularized, so anything in this
  10:  against that file for consistency until such time that the large bare metal assembly can be modularized.

  11:  = Deploying a cluster with bare metal machines
  13:  If you want your cluster to use bare metal machines, modify the
  16:  cluster can have both control plane and compute machines running on bare metal, or just compute machines.
  22:  whether the {rh-openstack} network that you use for bare metal workers supports floating IP addresses or not.
  28:  red_hat_openstack_platform/16.1/html/bare_metal_provisioning/index[Bare Metal service (Ironic)] is enabled and accessible via
  30:  * Bare metal is available as link:
  32:  * The {rh-openstack} network supports both VM and bare metal server attachment.
  38:  installer-provisioned network, the {rh-openstack} Bare Metal service (Ironic) is able to listen for and interact
  52:  control plane machines, change the value of `controlPlane.platform.openstack.type` to a bare metal flavor.
  53:  .. Change the value of `compute.platform.openstack.type` to a bare metal flavor.
  56:  .An example bare metal `install-config.yaml` file
  80:  <1> If you want to have bare-metal control plane machines, change this value to a bare metal flavor.
  81:  <2> Change this value to a bare metal flavor to use for compute machines.
  92:  use bare-metal control plane machines, change the value of `os_flavor_master` to a bare metal flavor.
  93:  .. Change the value of `os_flavor_worker` to a bare metal flavor.
  95:  .An example bare metal `inventory.yaml` file
  112:  <1> If you want to have bare-metal control plane machines, change this value to a bare metal flavor.
  113:  <2> Change this value to a bare metal flavor to use for compute machines.
  122:  The installer may time out while waiting for bare metal machines to boot.

  90:  isolated development environment, you can use a bare metal host that runs CentOS 7. See

  279:  * 6 IBM Power bare metal servers or 6 LPARs across multiple PowerVM servers
  316:  * 6 IBM Power bare metal servers or 6 LPARs across multiple PowerVM servers

  15:  infrastructure is more similar to installing a cluster on bare metal. Therefore, you delete the ovirt platform section

  27:  mode to encrypt your disks is only supported for bare metal and vSphere installations on user-provisioned

  21:  . Follow the bare metal install procedure up to the point where you created Ignition configs for your

  23:  This procedure is fully supported with bare metal installations using
  30:  * For a bare metal installation of {product-title}, prepare masters and workers.

  10:  manually-provisioned {op-system} nodes, such as bare metal, you must create {op-system} machines for it to

  26:  install/metal/user-provisioned[Install OpenShift on Bare Metal] page when preparing the provisioner node.
  218:  The `hosts` parameter is a list of separate bare metal assets used to build the cluster.
  229:  | The role of the bare metal node. Either `master` or `worker`.

  88:  `` for installer-provisioned installations on bare metal deployments. There is a known issue with version
  131:  `` for installer-provisioned installations on bare metal deployments. There is a known issue with version

  99:  . Ensure all bare metal nodes are powered off prior to installing the {product-title} cluster.

  4:  you are attempting to add to the cluster, the Bare Metal Operator associates the host with the existing
  4:  inspection, cleaning, or other Ironic steps fail, the Bare Metal Operator retries the installation continuously.
  10:  * Install an {product-title} cluster on bare metal.

  8:  for provisioning the operating system on each bare metal node. Second, installer-provisioned installation

  7:  = Preparing the bare metal node
  19:  Preparing the bare metal node requires executing the following procedure from the provisioner node.
  35:  . Power off the bare metal node via the baseboard management controller and ensure it is off.
  37:  . Retrieve the user name and password of the bare metal node's baseboard management controller. Then,
  49:  . Create a configuration file for the bare metal node.
  80:  Replace `<num>` for the worker number of the bare metal node in the two `name` fields and the `credentialsName`
  80:  of the password. Replace `<NIC1-mac-address>` with the MAC address of the bare metal node's first NIC.
  83:  Replace `<bmc-ip>` with the IP address of the bare metal node's baseboard management controller.
  87:  If the MAC address of an existing bare metal node matches the MAC address of a bare metal host that you
  87:  bare metal node matches the MAC address of a bare metal host that you are attempting to provision, then
  87:  inspection, cleaning, or other Ironic steps fail, the Bare Metal Operator retries the installation continuously.
  90:  . Create the bare metal node.
  105:  . Power up and inspect the bare metal node.

  183:  openshift/install/metal/user-provisioned[Install on Bare Metal with user-provisioned infrastructure], and scroll

  6:  = Provisioning the bare metal node
  8:  Provisioning the bare metal node requires executing the following procedure from the provisioner node.
  12:  . Ensure the `PROVISIONING STATUS` is `ready` before provisioning the bare metal node.
  69:  . Check the status of the bare metal node.
  92:  . Once provisioned, ensure the bare metal node is ready.

  12:  . Power off all bare metal nodes prior to installing the {product-title} cluster:

  21:  config. In other cases, you might need to do bare metal installation where you pass kernel arguments at
  67:  following procedures. See descriptions of {op-system} bare metal installation for system configuration tasks that

  10:  for all cloud-based installation types, and other than bare metal, resembles the following YAML file:

  9:  more {op-system-first} compute machines for your bare metal cluster by using an ISO image to create the machines.

  9:  create more {op-system-first} compute machines for your bare metal cluster by using PXE or iPXE booting.

  18:  red_hat_openstack_platform/16.1/html/bare_metal_provisioning/index[Bare Metal service (Ironic)] is enabled and accessible by
  20:  * Bare metal is available as link:
  25:  subnet and the pre-existing bare metal subnet.
  28:  . Create a file called `baremetalMachineSet.yaml`, and then add the bare metal flavor to it:
  31:  .A sample bare metal MachineSet file

  6:  = Maintaining bare metal hosts
  8:  You can maintain the details of the bare metal hosts in your cluster from the {product-title} web console.
  8:  {product-title} web console. Navigate to *Compute* -> *Bare Metal Hosts*, and select a task from the *Actions* drop
  10:  You can move a bare metal host into maintenance mode. When you move a host into maintenance mode, the
  10:  moves all managed workloads off the corresponding bare metal node. No new workloads are scheduled while in
  12:  You can deprovision a bare metal host in the web console. Deprovisioning a host does the following actions
  14:  . Annotates the bare metal host CR with ` true`

  6:  = About power-based remediation of bare metal
  7:  In a bare metal cluster, remediation of nodes is critical to ensuring the overall health of the cluster.
  11:  `MachineHealthCheck` controller to detect faulty bare metal nodes. Power-based remediation is fast and reboots
  20:  == MachineHealthChecks on bare metal
  22:  Machine deletion on bare metal cluster triggers reprovisioning of a bare metal host.
  22:  Machine deletion on bare metal cluster triggers reprovisioning of a bare metal host.
  23:  Usually bare metal reprovisioning is a lengthy process, during which the cluster
  38:  . The MHC notifies the bare metal machine controller which requests to power-off the unhealthy node.
  40:  . The bare metal machine controller requests to power on the node.
  42:  . After the node is recreated, the bare metal machine controller restores the annotations and labels that
  46:  If the power operations did not complete, the bare metal machine controller triggers the reprovisioning
  50:  == Creating a MachineHealthCheck resource for bare metal
  67:  .Sample `MachineHealthCheck` resource for bare metal
  95:  <2> For bare metal clusters, you must include the ` external-baremetal`

  15:  The following procedure is fully supported with bare metal installations that use systems that are certified

  7:  = Deleting nodes from a bare metal cluster
  17:  Delete a node from an {product-title} cluster running on bare metal by completing

  20:  If you are running cluster on bare metal, you cannot delete a node by editing

  16:  You can deploy {product-title} with no worker nodes on a bare metal cluster. 

  39:  | Bare metal | Yes

  11:  For installations on bare metal or with virtual machines that have more than one network interface controller

  42:  * Bare metal: `NodePortService`

  12:  * Bare metal hardware

  66:  in Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) mode on bare metal nodes, use the `netdevice` driver type and set

  8:  not available during deployment, such as with bare metal, VMware, or AWS store instances with attached

  56:  platforms that are not machine API enabled, such as bare metal and other user-provisioned infrastructure, you

  91:  For non-cloud platforms, such as vSphere and bare metal installations, the only configurable technology

  27:  = Configuring registry storage for bare metal and other manual installations
  43:  ifndef::ibm-z,ibm-power[that uses manually-provisioned {op-system-first} nodes, such as bare metal.]

  121:  something cloud-init cannot do: set up systems on bare metal from scratch (using features such as PXE boot).
  121:  scratch (using features such as PXE boot). In the bare metal case, the Ignition config is injected into the

  12:  non-bare metal installs, you can request a new node of the type
  22:  For bare metal installations, you can add hardening features to
  28:  Although bare metal {op-system} installations are more difficult,

  18:  * Compatible across the {op-system-base} platforms, from bare metal to cloud

  39:  * Bare metal
  43:  restricted network installation on vSphere or bare metal infrastructure, your cluster machines do not require

  29:  ** Bare metal hosts in the cluster, listed according to their state (only available in *metal3* environment).

  6:  = Maintaining bare metal nodes
  8:  When you deploy {product-title} on bare metal infrastructure, there are additional considerations that
  8:  nodes are considered ephemeral, re-provisioning a bare metal node requires significantly more time and effort
  10:  When a bare metal node fails, for example, if a fatal kernel error happens or a NIC card hardware failure

  14:  VMware Cloud on AWS is built on top of AWS bare metal infrastructure; this is the same bare metal infrastructure
  14:  AWS bare metal infrastructure; this is the same bare metal infrastructure which runs AWS native services.
gaurav-nelson commented 3 years ago

I came across, its a work in progress, but we can use Vale with spaCy NLP to address this issue. However, it currently it depends on running a local spaCy endpoint (spacy-vale).

So essentially, with this feature, we can have grammar-focused rules to tackle this case and other similar cases.

aireilly commented 3 years ago

@gaurav-nelson wow this looks really cool. have you tried it out?

gaurav-nelson commented 3 years ago

@aireilly I haven't already but want to PS: