redhat-manufacturing / device-edge-workshops

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Remove scape bash var kickstart #122

Open silvinux opened 2 months ago

silvinux commented 2 months ago

The script referenced in the roles/setup_gitea/templates/rhde_gitops/production-kickstart.ks.j2 file should have the backslash removed before ${required_packages[@]} and $package variables. With the backslash, the array is treated as a string, adding the backslash to each package name. This prevents proper variable expansion, resulting in the literal string '$package' being passed to the rpm -q command instead of the actual package name. Consequently, the script fails to find the package and incorrectly reports that it is not installed. This cause that the non-k8s deployment greenboot health check fails always.

[pgoku@edge-manager-local ~]$ ssh ansible@
ansible@'s password: 
Script '' FAILURE (exit code '1'). Continuing...
Boot Status is RED - Health Check FAILURE!
SYSTEM is UNHEALTHY, but boot_counter is unset in grubenv. Manual intervention necessary.
Last login: Sun Apr 14 11:17:03 2024 from

[root@edge-525400d153f9 required.d]# bash -x 
+ required_packages=("python3-pip" "python3-inotify" "git")
+ for package in "${required_packages[@]}"
+ rpm -q python3-pip
+ for package in "${required_packages[@]}"
+ rpm -q python3-inotify
+ for package in "${required_packages[@]}"
+ rpm -q git
+ echo 'All required packages are installed.'
All required packages are installed.

[root@edge-525400d153f9 required.d]# reboot
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.

[pgoku@edge-manager-local ~]$ ssh ansible@
ansible@'s password: 
Boot Status is GREEN - Health Check SUCCESS
Last login: Sun Apr 14 11:25:29 2024 from