Add MAC from app-netutil to DPDK interface parameter.
Add '--single-file-segments' to DPDK parameter list.
add '--eth-dest 0,00:e8:ca:11:cc:01 --eth-dest 1,00:e8:ca:11:cc:02'
to l3fwd app.
Updated Makefile to support 'SCRATCH=y'.
Removed 'make vdpa-cni-image' and 'make sriov-cni-image' because broken.
Moved network-attachment-definitions to use vdpa-net-httpd, vdpa-net-l3fwd-a
vdpa-net-l3fwd-b instead of vdpa-net-a, vdpa-net-b, vdpa-net-c.
Move httpd image to build for 'release' instead of 'dev'.
For httpd image, copy seawreck binary over and add flag to
to work with both httpd and seawreck. Seawreck is crashing, so currently
not supported, but infra is in place.
Update httpd parameters to use only 1 CPU (CPU 4), and set the ipmask to
Update all images to no longer delete conf files after they process the
data. On container restarts it was causing too much confusion. This
Changes include:
Signed-off-by: Billy McFall