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Write a blog post for opstools #9

Open mrunge opened 7 years ago

mrunge commented 7 years ago

Currently, there's not much known about tool support for day-2 of your OpenStack deployment. Part of spreading the knowledge should be writing a blog post (or a series of posts) to do


vCloudernBeer commented 7 years ago

I am interested in writing a blog post on opstools and opstools-ansible. What do I do after I have written the post? Do I submit a PR? Some pointers on this will be helpful to me also.

mrunge commented 7 years ago

Hey, great to hear.

You'd be sending a pull request for this repo:

opstools upstream is CentOS opstools SIG opstools-ansible is here: Under the same project is opstools-doc.

vCloudernBeer commented 7 years ago

Got it. thanks.

mrunge commented 7 years ago

If you have some more questions, the quickest way would be to jump onto irc and join #rdo I'm mrunge over there.

chkumar246 commented 6 years ago

Blog Post submitted : @vCloudernBeer Thank you for your contribution, Welcome to RDO community. :-)

vCloudernBeer commented 6 years ago

@chkumar246 thanks. I want to get started with documentation first. Once I get to know more about RDO, I would like to set up a test env and start fixing bugs with the code. :)

chkumar246 commented 6 years ago

@vCloudernBeer Feel free to join #rdo IRC channel on Freenode server. We are happy to help :-)