redhat-rcue / rcue

Red Hat Common User Interface (RCUE) reference implementation
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RCUE: Added Single-select Dropdown and Combo-box #5

Closed joshuakim closed 10 years ago

joshuakim commented 10 years ago

Updated Gruntfile.js to create a non minified CSS file to easily debug. Added example of single-select dropdown and combo-box in dropdowns.html. Added jQuery script for Combo-box to update input field with selected menu item.

joshuakim commented 10 years ago

Added RCUE Breadcrumb HTML and CSS

rhamilto commented 10 years ago

Hi, Josh.

This looks good. Can I get you to make a couple of tweaks before I merge? Can you collapse the selectors on lines 7-8 of combo-box.less and single-select-dropdown.less (they're nested and don't need to be)? Additionally, can you alpha sort the variables in variables.less? I'm guessing you were looking to maintain the bootstrap order, but now we have a mixture of alpha and bootstrap, which is confusing.

You can add an additional commit without changing the pull request. And, ideally, you'd squash all your commits into a single commit for the purposes of the pull request.

Thanks, Robb.

rhamilto commented 10 years ago

One other observation: you'll find it highly beneficial to develop in a feature branch instead of the master branch.