redhat-sap / sap-hana-deployment

Deploys SAP HANA on the given hosts
Apache License 2.0
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Missing check of existing installation #10

Closed tbludau closed 2 years ago

tbludau commented 4 years ago

We had a check (creating the /usr/sap/{{ item.value.hana_sid|upper }}/HDB{{ item.value.hana_instance_number }}/exe/hdbdaemon file) if a hana instance already installed on the system. This is gone in the new version. We also planned a second check based on the sap host agent to check it two times if a hana instance with the same parameters were installed. (but i think it was not integrated.)

could this be also integrated in the next versions?

makentenza commented 4 years ago

Yeah, we could add pre-checks, but won't this approach make the "code" more complex? Ansible has the mechanism to report errors by itself (i.e. don't need to code if a file exists check as Ansible will generate a failure itself) Won't the HANA installer do the same? Generate an error if the instance already exists? As long this is not causing errors on the existing deployment I don't see any good reason to code a custom error in the role to handle that?

What are your thoughts?

makentenza commented 4 years ago

Tested this already and the installer is just reporting an error but not damaging existing installation:

"stdout": "\n\nSAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Database\n************************************************************************\n\n\nScanning software locations...\nDetected components:\n    SAP HANA Database ( in /usr/local/src/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server\nLog file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_SLE_hdblcm_install_2020-01-22_05.44.20/hdblcm.log' on host 'rhel-target-02'.",
    "stderr": "Configuration error (batch mode):\n  SAP HANA System ID 'SLE' is already in use by a SAP HANA Database instance!",
    "rc": 1,
rhmk commented 4 years ago

Added Pull request for this issue

berndfinger commented 2 years ago

@tbludau @rhmk I also checked and found that the HANA installer (I tested SPS05) fails early with a useful error message in case it detects an already existing HANA installation. So this confirms what @makentenza already mentioned above. On the other hand, I like the idea of the role being able to report if it detects a possible conflict. We may consider creating a role which is collecting SAP system and instance information only and feed this information into any role which is installing SAP software. Any comments?

berndfinger commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue, as it is fixed in, see .

Note: Development and maintenance of this software has stopped.

Its functional scope is covered and expanded by role sap_hana_install. The role is part of Ansible Collection sap_install in the GitHub organization sap-linuxlab, which is a joint initiative by SAP Technology Partners.