redhat-sap / sap-hana-deployment

Deploys SAP HANA on the given hosts
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Installation of HANA SPS04 Rev 46 fails due to permission issues #14

Open newkit opened 4 years ago

newkit commented 4 years ago

Platform: PPC, not sure about x86

Here is the same issue as I see when running the ansible role:

[root@hostname SAP_HANA_DATABASE]# ./hdblcm --configfile=/tmp/ansible.d6m61chehanaconfig/configfile.cfg -b

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Database

Scanning software locations...
Detected components:
    SAP HANA Database ( in /tmp/ansible.2b3pdnaxdci/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server
Running in batch mode
  The following software installation files are missing execute permissions:
  Ensure that no permissions are changed by the umask when extracting or copying the folders.

Can be fixed by:

chmod -R a+rwx /tmp/ansible.2b3pdnaxdci

newkit commented 4 years ago

As discussed with Ricardo, this might be an issue bc of permissions under /tmp. One thing might be to choose a different location where to extract the HANA.SAR file, maybe making it configurable by the user.

newkit commented 4 years ago

FYI, same on x86:

ASK [sap_hana_deployment : Install SAP HANA] ** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["./hdblcm", "--configfile=/tmp/ansible.plb3luvvhanaconfig/configfile.cfg", "-b"], "delta": "0:00:00.792262", "end": "2020-04-17 13:10:11.162470", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2020-04-17 13:10:10.370208", "stderr": "Running in batch mode\n The following software installation files are missing execute permissions:\n /tmp/ansible.gf1xao34dci\n Ensure that no permissions are changed by the umask when extracting or copying the folders.", "stderr_lines": ["Running in batch mode", " The following software installation files are missing execute permissions:", " /tmp/ansible.gf1xao34dci", " Ensure that no permissions are changed by the umask when extracting or copying the folders."], "stdout": "\n\nSAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Database\n****\n\n\nScanning software locations...\nDetected components:\n SAP HANA Database ( in /tmp/ansible.gf1xao34dci/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server\nLog file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_NKT_hdblcm_install_2020-04-17_13.10.10/hdblcm.log' on host 'lu0548'.", "stdout_lines": ["", "", "SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Database", "****", "", "", "Scanning software locations...", "Detected components:", " SAP HANA Database ( in /tmp/ansible.gf1xao34dci/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server", "Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_NKT_hdblcm_install_2020-04-17_13.10.10/hdblcm.log' on host 'lu0548'."]}

rhmk commented 4 years ago

doublechek if you have mounted /tmp on tmpfs. My /tmp is part of / and the tmpfs stuff goes here:

# grep tmp /etc/mtab
devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,size=10089004k,nr_inodes=2522251,mode=755 0 0
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev 0 0
tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,mode=755 0 0
tmpfs /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs ro,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755 0 0
tmpfs /run/user/42 tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=2023612k,mode=700,uid=42,gid=42 0 0
tmpfs /run/user/15766 tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=2023612k,mode=700,uid=15766,gid=15766 0 0

If your system setup has mounted /tmp on tmpfs and your noexec or nosuid flag is set this could cause the problem. Otherwise /tmp should behave as any other directory

makentenza commented 4 years ago

@newkit @rhmk I don't think this issue is related to this role in particular since this is complaining on the installation source files, which is provided by the user. You can always add execution flag to these files before using the role

tlinnet commented 1 year ago

This was performed on Ubuntu 22.04 running on VirtualBox with SAP HANA 2.0, express edition

I made this gist: