redhat-scholars / kubernetes-tutorial

Kubernetes Tutorial for
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Operators Tutorial - Pizza Operator GET request to Kubernetes API fails #58

Open a37tam opened 1 year ago

a37tam commented 1 year ago

Reproduction Steps

I followed these steps in the Operators tutorial:

kubectl create namespace pizzahat kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=pizzahat

kubectl apply -f apps/pizzas/pizza-crd.yaml kubectl apply -f apps/pizzas/pizza-deployment.yaml

Output of kubectl get pods -n pizzahat image

Output of kubectl describe pod image

To get more information, I tailed the pod.

Output of stern -n pizzahat pod/quarkus-operator-example-... image


I believe the URL is incorrect. More specifically, the authorization header should be included (or fixed somewhere in the Pizza Operator code), and v1beta1 should be v1.

Here are my steps for arriving at that conclusion: