redhataccess / ascii_binder

AsciiBinder is an AsciiDoc-based system for authoring and publishing closely related documentation sets from a single source.
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Why eliminate all file extensions? #104

Closed bexelbie closed 7 years ago

bexelbie commented 7 years ago

This line and the following line, seem to exist to eliminate all portions of the file name that are preceeded by a dot.


"" becomes "foo"

Why do we do this? Why not just eliminate the ".adoc" with something like:


I am working on a patch to propose where this is breaking behavior. While it is is considered bad form to have multiple dot separate components in a file name, I don't know why we should disallow it. For example, I believe the following should be valid:

installguide.workstation.adoc installguide.server.adoc insteallguide.noidea.adoc

nhr commented 7 years ago

Good catch. PR forthcoming.

nhr commented 7 years ago

Addressed in