redhog / InfiniteGlass

Window manager with infinite desktop, infinite zoom and infinite window resolution
GNU General Public License v3.0
35 stars 5 forks source link

Running tests #95

Open IanTrudel opened 10 months ago

IanTrudel commented 10 months ago

I had managed to run the test suite using nose2 on Arch Linux a couple of weeks ago but now it won't find the module InfiniteGlass anymore on Rocky Linux. It doesn't seem to be installed in the venv whilst the glass modules are.

tests.test_renderer (nose2.loader.ModuleImportFailure) ... ERROR

ERROR: tests.test_renderer (nose2.loader.ModuleImportFailure)
ImportError: Failed to import test module: tests.test_renderer
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nose2/plugins/loader/", line 204, in _find_tests_in_file
    module = util.module_from_name(module_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nose2/", line 76, in module_from_name
  File "/home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/tests/", line 5, in <module>
    import InfiniteGlass
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'InfiniteGlass'

Ran 1 test in 0.000s

FAILED (errors=1)
Package               Version Location
--------------------- ------- -------------------------------------------------------
click                 8.1.7
glass-action          0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-action
glass-animator        0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-animator
glass-config-init     0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-config-init
glass-ghosts          0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-ghosts
glass-input           0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-input
glass-islands         0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-islands
glass-lib             0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-lib
glass-session-wrapper 0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-session-wrapper
glass-theme           0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-theme
glass-widgets         0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-widgets
glass-wintest         0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/glass-wintest
numpy                 1.26.1
pip                   21.2.3
pycairo               1.25.1
PyGObject             3.46.0
pyleri                1.4.2
pysmlib               0.1     /home/ian/Workspace/InfiniteGlass/pysmlib
python-slugify        8.0.1
python-xlib           0.33
PyYAML                6.0.1
rectangle-packer      2.0.2
rpdb                  0.1.6
sakstig               0.1.7
setuptools            53.0.0
six                   1.16.0
text-unidecode        1.3
wheel                 0.36.2