redhog / ep_sketchspace

The Etherpad drawing plugin
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No drawing toolbar available, only show blank screen #6

Closed leighp closed 10 years ago

leighp commented 11 years ago

I have just installed this plugin on Etherpad 1.2.7. When I launch a pad and click to add a drawing, half the screen opens but there is no drawing toolbar or any drawing options - the screen is just blank. Everything appears to have installed correctly. Can you assist?


JohnMcLear commented 11 years ago

This one requires @redhog to fix or me to be funded, I spent an hour on it already and it needs more time.

echo66 commented 11 years ago

I understand your position, John. But, taking that into consideration, can you give me some tips about what kind of problem am i facing? I'm new to Etherpad-Lite so it's probable that you will read some silly things, in the next comments. :P

JohnMcLear commented 11 years ago

I think its a dojox issue with how it was hacked together, I tried to figure it out but didn't want to invest more time into it as I don't need the plugin

echo66 commented 11 years ago

Aye sir. Thanks for the tip. :)

I don't need the plugin right now. Still, i suspect the people i work for will find it interesting. When i get my head stable on Etherpad-Lite, i will take a look at this plugin.