What do i need to put into the client_secret.json File after its created?
I now created the file and inserted {}
I still dont know what to put else in the file and the error im facing now is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\my_python_projects\youtube_comment_bot\bot.py", line 84, in <module>
client = get_authenticated_service()
File "D:\my_python_projects\youtube_comment_bot\bot.py", line 18, in get_authenticated_service
flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE, SCOPES)
File "D:\Downloads\Python\python 3.9.6\lib\site-packages\google_auth_oauthlib\flow.py", line 199, in from_client_secrets_file
return cls.from_client_config(client_config, scopes=scopes, **kwargs)
File "D:\Downloads\Python\python 3.9.6\lib\site-packages\google_auth_oauthlib\flow.py", line 158, in from_client_config
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Client secrets must be for a web or installed app.
What do i need to put into the client_secret.json File after its created?
I now created the file and inserted {} I still dont know what to put else in the file and the error im facing now is: