Open gududesundapao opened 2 weeks ago
@gududesundapao First of all, thank you for using Jedis.
Jedis is dependent on Apache Commons Pool. This is also evident from the source code you have provided because those are from that library. You may try their user mailing list. You may even try their developer mailing list if you have some idea about solving the issue.
Thank for understanding.
Hello !
Expected behavior
If the number of connections currently being created has reached the maxTotal, subsequent threads waiting to create connections will wait for a maxWaitMillis time, as the connections currently being created might fail.
We expect the waiting time not to exceed maxWaitMillis time, as this parameter affects our estimation of the overall time taken by the interface.
Actual behavior
But in situations where the connection is tight, the waiting time can be up to twice the maxWaitMillis consumption.
Steps to reproduce:
We have found that in some special cases, when creating connections from a connection pool, there may be excessively long waiting times
code: redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool#getResource -> redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool#getResource -> org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool#borrowObject(long) -> org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool#create
The thread that failed to create the connection will wake up the thread that is waiting to be created. Threads that do not compete for resources will wait again, and the waiting time will still be the maxWaitMillis. unbelievable! If the first waiting time is ( maxWaitMillis - 1ms ), plus the second full waiting time, then the full waiting time will be twice the expected time.
The waiting time we hope for this time is the total waiting time minus the time already waited
We are not sure if this issue has been addressed and look forward to your reply
Redis / Jedis Configuration
redis-client.timeout=100 redis-client.pool.maxTotal=1 redis-client.pool.maxIdle=1 redis-client.pool.minIdle=1 redis-client.pool.testOnBorrow=false redis-client.pool.testWhileIdle=true redis-client.pool.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=30000 redis-client.pool.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=1800000 redis-client.pool.numTestsPerEvictionRun=3 redis-client.pool.softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis=-1 redis-client.pool.blockWhenExhausted=true redis-client.pool.maxWaitMillis=80
Jedis version:
apache commons-pool2 version:
Redis version:
Java version: