redis / redis-om-dotnet

Object mapping, and more, for Redis and .NET
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Fix indexing and querying GUID lists #403

Closed Espleth closed 7 months ago

Espleth commented 10 months ago

There is a problem when using [Indexed] List<Guid> right now - index for them is not created, and querying is not working. This will fix this. However, as I can see right now, current aprroach is quite bad - you have to manually add new types and it's possible to forget to add it in one place or another. And I had to spend a few hours to find out, why List<Guid> is not working, there was no indication from RedisOM that I'm doing something wrong.

Also, you probably can't cover all types, that can be indexed: user can use for indexing any signle-line field (DateTime, DateTimeOffset, Enum, Uri, and the list goes on, not to mention it's possible to create custom types). All these types can be serialized as valid JSON single-line fields (string or number) So, you need to check not the base type, but the JSON-serialized type of the object (with JsonConverter attribute, if it's there). This seems to be a complex task, so I'll leave it to you =)

Espleth commented 10 months ago

Also, the Collection type might be, for example, HashSet, or other ICollection, so current approach of detection collections is bad, too.