redis / redis-om-python

Object mapping, and more, for Redis and Python
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Feature Request - lazy redis connection for JsonModel/HashModel #524

Open svabra opened 1 year ago

svabra commented 1 year ago

ARCHITECTURE ANTI-PATTERN Declaring a datasource with the model is tightly coupling the two. Here an example of the Meta class added to a JsonModel/HashModel

REDIS_DATA_URL = os.environ.get("REDIS_OM_URL", 'redis://localhost:6380')
class Meta:
        database = get_redis_connection(url=REDIS_DATA_URL, decode_responses=True)

ARGUMENT There is one dominant use cases when this becomes a problem at runtime in particular. You are using one or several JsonModels/HashModels in an application, you start the application but the redis server is not yet there or not yet ready. The application:

The redis.Redis([..]) connection attemp can be handled with a @retry i.e. using the tenacity library. However, NOT the models. So the models will actually fail the applications. That CANNOT be a desired outcome. In distributed computing there is always the possibility that a service (like redis) is not available for whatever reason.

Furthermore, this also means, one cannot run github actions (or any other CI/CD test) unless one pulls up a redis service before testing. Yes, feasible, but not desirable.


(I do understand one can still use the Redis/StrictRedis object to "manually" add record to any of the redis instances. Anyhow, the redis-om-pyhton library is really the way to go. A very neat piece of software so far. Thanks to all who contribute to this library.)

REFERENCES Apparently I'm not the only one disliking the tight-coupling:

brettbeeson commented 1 year ago


I'd like to add a (common?) use-case for this. We use a cache as a 'nice to have' and would like it to silently failover to doing nothing. In other words, if there is a ConnectionError, just treat all .get() by raising NotFound. The application continues, just without caching. This concept is well-described here (Django context, but same idea).

I've done a proof of concept for my purposes, which might interest some.