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Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps.
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Redis sentinel: replication loop #3837

Open pawpy opened 7 years ago

pawpy commented 7 years ago

Redis server version: 3.2.4-1



We see a replication loop in below scenario.

  1. B goes down
  2. While B is down, C goes down as well. (master is down at this point, no fail over occurs as expected because of minority)
  3. Then B comes up, tries to sync from master C, fails but keeps retrying
  4. C comes up and surprisingly thinks A as master and tries syncing from it, causing replication loop
  5. After a while, A and B elect C as master, but C continues to think that A is the master which leaves no master being up in the setup
antirez commented 7 years ago

Hello, thank you for reporting this, I'll try to replicate but it is not clear, if no failover occurred, who reconfigured C to be a slave and to replicate from A. At every step, did you try to check the Sentinel logs to see if any failover happened, if the original configuration of the instances were correct, and if, when C restarts, for some reason loads some older configuration?

pawpy commented 7 years ago


Thank you for your response. No, failover happened to A as far as I can see. I'm posting the sentinel logs below:

A -, B - and C -

(sentinel logs from host A)

5824:X 24 Feb 10:59:49.746 # Sentinel ID is d7471d19edd71ae3482de3285c9c1c01b9f7a31e
5824:X 24 Feb 10:59:49.746 # +monitor master mymaster 26380 quorum 2
5824:X 24 Feb 10:59:54.763 # +sdown slave 26380 @ mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 10:59:54.763 # +sdown sentinel 7c38b3d83d0cc303b33454142bbe83d3dbf9f1c8 5000 @ mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:00:15.263 # +sdown master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:00:15.263 # +sdown sentinel c4eaadc05b465dea435937a23f4225adcd822731 5000 @ mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:01:55.244 # -sdown slave 26380 @ mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:01:55.244 # -sdown sentinel 7c38b3d83d0cc303b33454142bbe83d3dbf9f1c8 5000 @ mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:01:59.442 # +new-epoch 39
5824:X 24 Feb 11:01:59.445 # +vote-for-leader 7c38b3d83d0cc303b33454142bbe83d3dbf9f1c8 39
5824:X 24 Feb 11:01:59.445 # +odown master mymaster 26380 #quorum 2/2
5824:X 24 Feb 11:01:59.445 # Next failover delay: I will not start a failover before Fri Feb 24 11:03:59 2017
5824:X 24 Feb 11:03:59.180 # +new-epoch 40
5824:X 24 Feb 11:03:59.183 # +vote-for-leader 7c38b3d83d0cc303b33454142bbe83d3dbf9f1c8 40
5824:X 24 Feb 11:03:59.189 # Next failover delay: I will not start a failover before Fri Feb 24 11:06:00 2017
5824:X 24 Feb 11:05:25.200 * +reboot master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:05:25.275 # -sdown master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:05:25.275 # -odown master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:05:25.275 # -sdown sentinel c4eaadc05b465dea435937a23f4225adcd822731 5000 @ mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:05:50.282 # +sdown master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:05:50.685 # +new-epoch 41
5824:X 24 Feb 11:05:50.688 # +vote-for-leader c4eaadc05b465dea435937a23f4225adcd822731 41
5824:X 24 Feb 11:05:51.394 # +odown master mymaster 26380 #quorum 3/2
5824:X 24 Feb 11:05:51.394 # Next failover delay: I will not start a failover before Fri Feb 24 11:07:50 2017
5824:X 24 Feb 11:07:50.905 # +new-epoch 42
5824:X 24 Feb 11:07:50.905 # +try-failover master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:07:50.909 # +vote-for-leader d7471d19edd71ae3482de3285c9c1c01b9f7a31e 42
5824:X 24 Feb 11:07:50.944 # 7c38b3d83d0cc303b33454142bbe83d3dbf9f1c8 voted for d7471d19edd71ae3482de3285c9c1c01b9f7a31e 42
5824:X 24 Feb 11:07:50.947 # c4eaadc05b465dea435937a23f4225adcd822731 voted for d7471d19edd71ae3482de3285c9c1c01b9f7a31e 42
5824:X 24 Feb 11:07:50.962 # +elected-leader master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:07:50.962 # +failover-state-select-slave master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:07:51.017 # -failover-abort-no-good-slave master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:07:51.083 # Next failover delay: I will not start a failover before Fri Feb 24 11:09:51 2017
5824:X 24 Feb 11:09:51.113 # +new-epoch 43
5824:X 24 Feb 11:09:51.113 # +try-failover master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:09:51.117 # +vote-for-leader d7471d19edd71ae3482de3285c9c1c01b9f7a31e 43
5824:X 24 Feb 11:09:51.149 # 7c38b3d83d0cc303b33454142bbe83d3dbf9f1c8 voted for d7471d19edd71ae3482de3285c9c1c01b9f7a31e 43
5824:X 24 Feb 11:09:51.160 # c4eaadc05b465dea435937a23f4225adcd822731 voted for c4eaadc05b465dea435937a23f4225adcd822731 43
5824:X 24 Feb 11:09:51.184 # +elected-leader master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:09:51.184 # +failover-state-select-slave master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:09:51.267 # -failover-abort-no-good-slave master mymaster 26380
5824:X 24 Feb 11:09:51.329 # Next failover delay: I will not start a failover before Fri Feb 24 11:11:51 2017

The only thing I suspect for C to think A is master is this slaveof A setting in redis server config.

pawpy commented 7 years ago

Just adding that I have slaveof A set in redis configuration on B and C (added to initialize the master-slave replication setup.)

antirez commented 7 years ago

The problem appears to be that Sentinel does not know that you changed the configuration without it performing a failover. If you want to switch master you have to trigger a failover via Sentinel, using the manual failover Sentinel procedure. So, when it performs a failover, it will upgrade the configurations of instances using CONFIG REWRITE and other precautions. Here instead the configuration of the instances A, B, and C are different than what Sentinel believes: you start monitoring them when C is the master, but C configuration is to be a slave of A.

So basically:

  1. Start Redis instances with their configuration as dictated by redis.conf in each instance.
  2. Start monitoring the Redis instances without changing the configuration.
  3. If later, for administrative purposes, you want to switch the current master, use the Sentinel manual failover procedure, so that Sentinel will know that there was a configuration switch.
  4. Never use SLAVEOF commands in Redis instances monitored by Sentinel, in a manual way, all the changes must be operated using Sentinel.

At this point, every time there is a fail over, Sentinel will make sure that all the configurations are in sync.

pawpy commented 7 years ago

@antirez no, the redis configuration has not been changed to trigger a failover. I was only pointing that slaveof A is the initial configuration on B and C hosts (as in step (1) in your recommended usage), and perhaps this setting is making C to think A as the master. Strange enough, B picked C as the master correctly when it had the same slaveof A in redis configuration.

antirez commented 7 years ago

@pawpy sorry but I don't understand, in the original message you wrote:

A, B, C servers in 1 master, 2 slaves, 3 sentinels setup. A, B are slaves and C is master The redis server conf has slaveof A on B and C for initialization purposes

How it is possible that now C is a master if the cluster was started with B and C with slaveof A?

pawpy commented 7 years ago

@antirez sorry if my description of the problem is unclear.

Sentinel setup is initialized as - A being master, B and C being slaves (using slaveof A). Weeks later, after possibly many failover's (all triggered by sentinel) we have C as master with A and B as slaves. This is when two of our systems went down, first the slave B (step 1), then master C (step 2), and sequence of events in step 3-5 which left no master being up in the HA sentinel setup.

In so far as I can see, the initialization state doesn't matter. I was able to reproduce this in couple of our HA test clusters. What I'm essentially doing is to bring down one of slave, then master, then bring up slave that is down followed by master.

pawpy commented 7 years ago

Hello, have you had a chance to look at this further?

kaizen1 commented 6 years ago

@pawpy Did you ever get this figured out? I'm thinking about using Sentinel, but not sure it's worth the trouble.

brugnara commented 6 years ago

HI all.

@kaizen1 Redis Sentinel is a must in a HA environment.

I have the same problem, I guess. I receive many emails from Redis sentinel which is "flipping" master-slave on many nodes and after a while, a new master is elected but the VM are still up. Consider this email flux:


I saw when this happens, Redis had almost 8/10 milion keys and I'm pretty sure this is related to the wrong use of keys we did and this collapsed our Redis the time we used for something more. We touched 40k ops/sec. When I removed all the keys usage, the problem disappeared, lowering the ops/sec to a modest 5k ops/sec.

keys is blocking and if Sentinel asks for a PING waiting the PONG response, with a huge keyspace and a blocked IO due a wrong keys launched, this could be treated as a failure since the response could arrive in 20-30 seconds.

For us, the SLOWLOG GET helped a lot.

OT: Grazie Salvatore per averci dato Redis 👍