redmica / redmine_ip_filter

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Redmine's tests fail after running the plugins's tests #19

Closed vividtone closed 4 years ago

vividtone commented 4 years ago

I think this is caused by the fixture "filter_rules".

Steps to reproduce:

Run the plugin's test:

$ bin/rails redmine:plugins:test NAME=redmine_ip_filter RAILS_ENV=test

And then, run any Redmine's functional test. You will see numerous failures:

$ bin/rails test test/functional/boards_controller_test.rb 
Run options: --seed 3942

# Running:


BoardsControllerTest#test_edit_with_parent [/Users/maeda/redmines/redmine-trunk/test/functional/boards_controller_test.rb:234]:
Expected response to be a <2XX: success>, but was a <403: Forbidden>

bin/rails test test/functional/boards_controller_test.rb:227


BoardsControllerTest#test_create [/Users/maeda/redmines/redmine-trunk/test/functional/boards_controller_test.rb:170]:
"Board.count" didn't change by 1.
Expected: 4
  Actual: 3

bin/rails test test/functional/boards_controller_test.rb:168
takenory commented 4 years ago

@vividtone thank you for your feedback 😃