Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools. Currently using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage, with explicit plans to support btrfs when btrfs becomes more reliable. Primarily intended for Linux, but BSD use is supported and reasonably frequently tested.
Syncoid snapshots should have syncoid_source_destination type names. This will help with cleanup scripts when removing snapshots which have nothing to do with the host they are on. In other words, syncoid_hosta_hostb
On hostb, hostc snapshots are not needed, and vice versa, so they can be deleted after X time. Maybe look to see if they exist on hosta, and delete them if they do not.
Note that there is a nas4free sync script that doesn't create snapshots when syncing, it just finds the latest that both ends have and syncs from there.
Syncoid snapshots should have syncoid_source_destination type names. This will help with cleanup scripts when removing snapshots which have nothing to do with the host they are on. In other words, syncoid_hosta_hostb syncoid_hosta_hostc
On hostb, hostc snapshots are not needed, and vice versa, so they can be deleted after X time. Maybe look to see if they exist on hosta, and delete them if they do not.