rednaga / APKiD

Android Application Identifier for Packers, Protectors, Obfuscators and Oddities - PEiD for Android
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Add Genuine Anti * #214

Open apkunpacker opened 4 years ago

apkunpacker commented 4 years ago

I would request to add this

As this is anti Xposed hook, anti fake signature, anti virtual app (binder proxy), and optional anti odex, anti overlay this may be best choice for malware author to use it on malware for making it as Anti tamper .

1st sample:

Hash of 1st sample :


2nd Sample :

Will update post as fast as I grab more samples . Thanks

apkunpacker commented 4 years ago

1st Sample which was on that site . Downloaded From Google

enovella commented 4 years ago

Do we need such images?

apkunpacker commented 4 years ago

Do we need such images?

Not really . Edited post . I was worried that i can not download that sample so posted that . After getting sample i also think no need of image

apkunpacker commented 4 years ago

I am not sure why Arm64-v8a , armeabi-v7a and x86 have and other architecture dont have